47| Listen To Me

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Song: It's You - Molly Kate Kestner. If you want to listen towards the end, it's on Spotify :)\

October 15th is Infant loss and Miscarriage awareness day. I have something planned for this day in my book, so I will wait to write about it, but I just wanted to inform you and I hope you can understand why I bring this up considering the book's circumstances right now. - October 15th 2021

This chapter gets dark. Read at your own risk :/

This chapter was very draining to write, sorry it took so long :/

*Demi's POV*

"I refuse to let you go alone Demi" Nick spoke in a stern tone.

"Nick, I don't need to be babied" I huffed.

"Demi, I'm not babying you. I just don't want you to visit my mother alone. The last time you went to see my mother, you had a meltdown before we even left the hotel!" Nick stood up, approaching me. "I love you, but I don't think it is a good idea for you to go alone!"

"Why don't you want me to see your mother without you? What, are you afraid she'll tell me some of your dirty secrets?" I narrowed my eyes at him, my hands held out at my sides.

"No. I don't have anything to hide. I just don't want you getting hurt. You mean a lot to me Demi, I don't want her to ruin this"

"How could she ruin this?"

"Demi, it's no secret she doesn't like you. Knowing her, she'll try and sabotage this!" 

"Nick, she can't sabotage this unless you let her!"

"Oh, so if she were to convincingly tell you some dirty rumor, you wouldn't believe her? Bullshit. I don't want her feeding you lies! You're already struggling as it is, baby, I don't want her to get inside your head without me there to give you the correct information. I don't trust her when it comes to my relationship with you. She's clearly already tried to mess it up once, I don't want her to ruin this "

"Nick! She can't ruin this unless we let her!"

"Demi, you don't understand-"






"I'm not! I'm strictly telling you that you were in such a fragile headspace that you went back! What do you want to talk to her about anyway?"

"It's private"

"Demi, how is it private? What, you can tell my mother but you can't tell me? I thought we were working on our communication but every time I try, you run away! I don't want you to have a mental war again. I don't want something to happen, and you be insecure. I love you so much, I don't want her to ruin this"

"Nick, what do you think I want to see her for?" I furrowed my eyebrows, countless thoughts running through my mind.

"I don't know. You don't like her, so I'm confused why you'd want to see her"

"When I was working in therapy at my rehab center, part of letting go is facing your problems head on. I want a family with you Nick. I want to get married one day, I want to have children. I want a future with you, but your family is holding me back-"

"My family!? You literally just said you and your mother have a past and don't get along! You're literally not talking to your sister because she's fucking gay! Stop acting like it's my family holding us back!"

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