50| The Perfect Family

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I went in and fixed noticeable errors but tbh, I've read through this chapter so many times PRE edit, that I truly don't want to read through it again.. I know it's pure laziness lol but oh well. I'll read through this later and fix stuff. If you see anything, let me know and I'll fix it. I just wanted to get this out to you guys quicker <3

*Two visuals from the Dancing With The Devil Music Video are in  this chapter, read with caution*

Proper visual is 2019 Demi with short all black hair, for anyone who was wondering. 

This is a blanket statement trigger warning for the next few chapters:

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide, detailed suicide notes and graphic explanation of emotion and visuals (Photos are not added, just descriptions of a scene). You will be warned before the graphic scenes. Talk of child loss Flashbacks: psychical, emotional and verbal abuse. Mention of abortion (action not taken)

Never be afraid admit you need help and seek it:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline
National Domestic Violence Hotline

*Nick's POV*

My mind was clouded with endless possibilities whilst I slowly opened Demi's hospital door, her parents leaving a couple minutes ago so Dallas and I could go in.

The second my eyes landed on her, I couldn't stop the tears. 

"Demi" I whispered, approaching the hospital bed. 

I grabbed her hand, brushing some of the hair out of her face.

"Baby" I whispered even quieter, my eyes wondering over all her stitches, wounds and rubbed off ink.

Devin had told me what she had done, and how he found her.. but seeing her like this, even if it is the aftermath, it was still so surreal. 

It felt like I was staring at the shell of a person I used to know.


She had stitches on throat and wrists that I could see, but her body was covered by a blanket. 

*Graphic Visual End*

I could see dried blood around them, and I felt a couple tears fall down my cheeks.

"Demi" I whispered, not knowing where to touch that wouldn't cause her pain.

There were a thousand things connected to her, and a million machines surrounding us and hundreds of noises bouncing off the four walls

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There were a thousand things connected to her, and a million machines surrounding us and hundreds of noises bouncing off the four walls.

But the only noise I could focus on was her heart monitor, and I've never loved the sound more than I did right now.

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