42| Wouldn't Want It This Way

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I'm writing this one April 15th 2021, which is Nemi's one year anniversary in this book <3

*Nick's POV*

I heard my phone ring and it was my mom, checking up on how I was doing alone with Lennox. My mother has been obsessed with the newest addition to our family. I swear I have no more room for baby clothes and yet packages keep finding itself at my front door with Lennox's name written on the box. 

Just this morning I opened it to three more pieces of baby clothes, diapers and a stuffed animal.

Did she forget I can pay for things? 

I had the box next to me on the counter, right next to the photos I had printed out from when my family first met her.  I had bought a pin board to hang them on in her nursey that had cute letters on the top reading "Loved by Many" and white strings hanging against the baby pink fabric for you to clip things too. They came with little clothesline clips, so that was my project for this morning. 

Lennox was laying in her crib sleeping, whilst I tried to figure how I wanted these hung. After about 30 minutes of me changing around the photo layout on the floor, and looking at them and not figuring out how to actually make them look good, I ended up facetiming Danielle.

If I recalled correctly, my nieces nurseries were adorable.

Danielle picked up and gave me a weird look until I explained why I called her. 

She thought it was cute that I was trying so hard, which made me roll my eyes in return. I wanted to give her a perfect nursery. She was my first kid after all.

We had finally finished the collage project and the second I knew Demi landed back home, I was instantly calling her. 

I wanted answers and I wanted them yesterday!

Lennox was screaming, whilst the phone was ringing. I was pacing in my kitchen, bouncing the crying infant.

What was I going to do? 

I couldn't get her to stop crying, Demi wasn't answering me, and Priyanka was out of town for four days on a quick photoshoot for her new movie that was hitting theaters within the next few months. 

I sat my phone on the counter and carefully laid Lennox down on the counter, a blanket under her.

I held on to her as I fiddled with the diaper next to me.

I changed her diaper carefully, making sure she was secure.

I picked her back up and bounced her softly in my arms whilst I made a bottle. I had finally got her to drink her bottle when my phone started ringing. I was expecting it to be Priyanka or my mother, but surprisingly it was Demi.


"Why on earth did you call me 35 times!" She growled.

"Why did you not pick up 35 times?" I shot back. 

'I've been busy! I was flying home! Greyson was in a horrible mood! Actually hold on, I don't have to explain anything to you! What do you want?" 

Why the fuck was she pissed at me?

"Demi, please listen to me. I love you baby and I've missed you. Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Nick I need to get back into the swing of things. I haven't been home in four days. I gotta get Greyson back in the swing of daycare, I have work, Buddy needs to be picked up from Dallas's house-"

"Am I not in your plans of getting in the swing of this?" My forehead scrunched together as my eyes narrowed. I audibly sighed when Lennox started screaming. I pulled the phone away from the crying newborn and sat it on the counter on speaker. 

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