41| I Don't Deserve It

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Sorry for not updating in a while! Hope this long update makes up for it! - March 24th 2021

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Demi's POV*

Finding out Nick had a daughter now, was a type of pain I had never felt before.

I kept on a brave face whilst I facetimed him, wanting to feel this excitement for my boyfriend.

That night, I bathed Greyson and read him a bedtime story before standing under the warm water, painfully sobbing. I heard my scream echo off the bathrooms walls and leaned my head back. the water hit my neck and ran down my body. I felt raged. 

"WHY!" I growled loudly, banging my fist on the shower wall.

"FUCK!" I held my hand as it throbbed. Shaking it off, I turned around and I noticed my leg was bouncing rapidly.

I couldn't help but want to start throwing things and hitting things. Yelling and screaming throughout my house.

I knew I couldn't. Not with Greyson at home.

I got out of the shower, and found my phone before dialing Devin's number, putting it on speaker.

I sat in my bed, wrapped in a towel as I listened to the ringing fill the silence.

I sat in my bed, wrapped in a towel as I listened to the ringing fill the silence

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"Hey Demi. What's up?"

"Are you busy?" I spoke quietly, taking deep breaths.

"No, just sitting here with Dallas. Why?"

"Can I be a pain in your butt?"

There was silence before I heard a chuckle.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Can you and Dallas come over?"


"Because I want to go hit the shit out of stuff at a gym with you, and I need someone to watch Greyson. He's already in bed, sleeping"

"Let me ask"

I heard some shuffling noises and I ran my hand through my dripping wet hair.

"Be there in 20" I heard before it disconnected.

I slipped into some gym clothes, and I tossed my hair up. I was putting laundry in the washer when I heard the front door open. I had texted Devin saying just to walk in so they wouldn't wake Greyson.

I walked out and I saw Dallas putting Buddy on her lap and turned the TV on, making me laugh.

"We'll be back in like an hour or so. I'll text you" Devin kissed her lips before following me outside.

It felt good to hit stuff at the gym. I even got to smack the crap out of Devin which made me laugh. 

I was telling him what had happened as I worked out. I was breathing hard as I bounced on the mats.

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