35| Brick by Brick

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Hey! For anyone who hasn't viewed my bio, you can find my edit account @/dreamingofdevonne/instagram and my nemi edit account @/mynemilife/instagram AND my main @/demisdirtydiary/instagram for anyone who wants to see that content! The nemi account is private! Everything is linked in my bio!

*Demi's POV*

I was fuming at Nick the day I had talked to him so when I heard the knock on my door a few days later, opening it to see him standing there and I can't say I welcomed him with open arms. If I remember correctly I slammed the door in his face and yelled at him to go back to where he came from. 

"Demetria! Please! We need to talk! I need to tell you what I've been going through!"

"Is it more whining about how you have this hard job and I sit around on my ass all day!" 

"Demi.. You know that isn't true. You know I didn't mean it" Nick sighed in defeat.

"Oh really? Because it seemed to slip out like the truth does when you want to win. You say what you're truly feeling just like drunk people do. Go fuck yourself Nick" I started to walk away from the front door when I heard the door bell ring and I swear to god I was going to ring his neck if he woke my child up from his nap.

I quickly pulled the door open, making Nick jump with his finger frozen like he was going to push the bell again. "What the fuck do you want" I spat.

"Baby, I love you.. please can we have a civil conversation" 

"About what"

"About what I've been preoccupied with" 

"Nick I don't fucking care. Go live your happy life with whatever you're leaving me for"


"No! Don't Demi me! You're acting like you have a perfectly good reason for being a jackass! I'm tired of taking shit from guys! Take me or leave me Nick, I'm not going to be here next to your side every time you leave me"

"Leave you! How the fuck did I leave you?"

"Oh, going to Jersey to hang with Priyanka and ignore your girlfriend isn't leaving?"

He got quiet before whispering "How'd you know I was with her?"

"Oh? That was supposed to be a secret? Even better" I went to slam the door shut when Nick stopped me, and barged right into my new home. "How the fuck did you find me anyway? I moved in a few days ago"


"For fuck sake" 

The door shut behind him, Nick wondering farther into the slightly crappy home. It needed some TLC badly. 

It got Greyson and I by which is all that mattered, and with my new job I knew I'd be able to either fix this place up or move somewhere better.

"Demi, you know you can live in one of my houses right?"

"Quit shoving your money down my throat" 

"I'm not"

"ONE OF YOUR HOUSES!" I screamed, forgetting my child was asleep not too far from us. 

"Demi, I'm being kind"

"I'm not your fucking charity case"

"You're right, you aren't but you are my fucking girlfriend and I would like to see my girlfriend safe and loved."

"I am safe!"

"Really Demi? You can tell me this area is safe for both you and Grey?"


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