37| Don't Belong

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*Demi's POV*

When I landed in New Jersey, my heart only raced faster the closer I got to Nick.

Nick was picking us up from the airport and to say I wanted to turn around and run back onto that plane was an understatement.

I saw Nick in the airport. Some people were taking photos but most people ignored him. I saw 2 girls run up to him and ask for a photo but other than that, he was left alone. I smiled when he approached me.

"I'm so happy you made it safe and sound" He pecked my lips before kissing Greyson's cheek.

I felt butterflies in my stomach because for whatever the reason, this simple action not only made me feel loved, but feel as though we are family. I kept replaying him kissing me and then Greyson and I couldn't help but have a smile plastered on my face. 

"Safe sure but I don't know about sound. I hate you for making me fly with a toddler"

"I'm sorry baby, but at least you're here now. It's the best birthday gift I could have ever asked for" Nick kissed me again before grabbing 2 of our bags while I carried Greyson my purse and the backpack. 

Greyson was wiggling against my hip and I swear he was threatening to scream so I sat him on the floor and let him walk.. well.. run to the car. Nick chuckled as we kept eyes on our toddler. I smiled when I saw the toddler booster seat in the back seat. 

I sat my backpack and purse on the floor of the car before helping Greyson get buckled in.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and lips on my cheek after I clipped the buckles against Greyson's chest.

"Look at you being the best mommy" Nick whispered in my ear, myself smiling.

"Yeah? Well you sure are the best daddy. You remembered"

"Daddy huh?"

"We'll talk later" I chuckled, shaking my head. 

Nick and I arrived at the hotel, which was something I made sure he did if he wanted me to come. I didn't know if I was prepared to be fully immersed into his mothers house.

"My mom is expecting me to come for dinner. Do you want to meet her tonight? Or tomorrow on my birthday?"

"I'm scared" I confessed, taking the sleepy toddlers shoes off. 


"Because she's your mom Nick"


"I don't know.. I have a bad feeling"

"Demi you can't go into it thinking the worst will happen. My mom didn't like Sophie at first and now she adores her" 

"That's not helping Nick"

"Sorry" He stifled a laugh making me glare at him.

"You think you're so cute huh" I narrowed my eyes at him, my hands on my hips.

"You're so little, I can't take you seriously babe"

"Oh my god! Shut up!"

Every time Nick went to kiss me, I dodged his lips and by the 6th time, he was fed up.

"Let me kiss you!"

"Shhh! Grey's sleeping!" I whispered yelled.

"Let. Me. Kiss. You."

"I don't have to. You called me short"

"But who doesn't love a stack of pancakes!"

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas I swear to god" I shrieked when he lifted me by the hips and held onto me.

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