36| I Love Your Shadows

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Song: Shadows by Sabrina Carpenter

*Nicks' POV*

Hearing Demi ask me to take her to her bedroom, I felt my heart start racing. Not because I was excited, but because I was scared. I was scared how she'd react when I rejected her.

"Demi, I can't-"

"Why? Oh! Here, follow me!" She went to get up to lead me the way, turning around confused when my hand was still in her own, but keeping her pulled towards me. "What?"

"I'm not going to have sex with you"

"What!? Why?"

"Because less than 5 hours ago we were fighting. You wanted to never see me again. I won't sleep with you when less than 5 hours ago you were screaming at me. I refuse to have our first time be when you might still be mad at me"


"Demi, I respect you too much to sleep with you before having a conversation. Plus I really don't want Greyson in the house for our first time."

"Will you ever sleep with me?" She frowned and I felt her whole body's energy drop. I watched her shoulders fall and she started to slouch.

"Demi, you don't know how bad I've wanted to sleep with you these past few months, but it will basically be your first time again and I respect you too much to sleep with you and then you break up with me the next day because you're not happy with the current life situation. I know I made you happy when I told you that I love Marabella, but you are not happy with me having a baby with someone else. I never expected you to be, but I don't want to have such a huge intimate moment with you, when you were just wanting me out of your house. Can we please talk?" I tried to make eye contact with her, but she seemed to be spacing out, and wondering in her own world. My hand softly touched her jaw, lightly forcing her chin up for our eyes to meet. "Baby? Were you listening?" I let out a breathy chuckle. Demi gave me a bashful look with a soft nod. "I heard you" She whispered.

Before I knew it, I was smirking when I saw her mood lift more. A smile spread across her face when I tickled the sides of her stomach making her squeal. "Nick!" She lightly pushed me away but my hands clasped behind her back, keeping her in place.

"I love you" I whispered, our foreheads touching. I kissed her lips softly before pulling away and finally holding eye contact with her. "I love you more than you'll ever know, and I need you to understand that no matter what happens, I want you forever."

Demi nodded, her hands rubbing the back of my neck. "I love you too. I'm sorry for screaming at you" She spoke quietly, almost sounding ashamed of her actions.

"It's okay baby, I deserved it"

"No you didn't! You didn't deserve to be smacked and pushed and shoved! I should have never laid my hands on you"

"Baby I'd let you put your hands all over me, whenever you want" I smirked with a gleam in my eye and she pursed her lips, trying not to smile. 

"I hate you" She pouted. I laughed "Love you too baby girl"

"I'd really like us to talk though" I bit the inside of my lip after hearing her sigh. 

Demi climbed off my lap and sat next to me, her hands clasped together in her lap. "Where do you want to start?" She questioned. 

I turned towards her, so we were both sitting against an armrest on the couch. "Do you think you will be able to handle being in my babies life? I'm not going to ditch my child for you Demi. I don't want to be a deadbeat dad" 

"I need time to adjust to it Nick. I'm sure I'll eventually be okay... but right now, isn't that time" 

"Would you want to be invested in what is left of the pregnancy?"

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