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Warning: Sexual content 

I wanna write Demi's POV, so I'm gonna lol.

*Demi's POV*

Visiting Nick on tour with a three year old whilst I was 6 months pregnant was the worst idea I've ever had.

Thankfully Devin was with me and has been the biggest help.

One thing no one talks about is how fucking fast you show with your third kid.

It was definitely noticeable that I was pregnant so pap photos have been a pain in my ass.

I wasn't sure why paps wanted photos of me when I wasn't with Nick, but it has definitely made me barricade myself in Nick's house. Nothing like waddling down the sidewalk with a three year old and having a camera shoved in your face.

Nick and I haven't made any statements about me being pregnant, but we decided we weren't going to hide it. One way or another people would find out, and I can't exactly just never go to the grocery store again, or Greyson's preschool. Something I was nervous about was Denise finding out, but thankfully Sophie was due to have her baby in two weeks, so all eyes in Nick's family have been on her.

"It's so much easier this time with Nick knowing" I told Devin, Devin holding Greyson's hand as we walked backstage.

Tonight was Joe's last show before he went on Maternity leave for Sophie, so I wouldn't be surprised if their family was in the crowd. After all, we were back in New York.

"Where's daddy?" Grey asked, looking up at me, his eyes full of desperation.

"We're going to his dressing room bubs"

"Walk faster!" He whined and I pursed my lips, shaking my head.

"You can walk ahead of me, it's fine" I told Devin, Greyson practically pulling Devin down the hallway.

I watched Greyson run, Devin's long strides picking up to keep up with the excited three year old.

At least he was happy.

He was always so excited to see Nick. You could see how much they truly loved each other.

"DADDY!" I heard Greyson squeal, Nick's chuckle being heard in the distance.

"Hey Grey, where's your mom?" I heard him ask, a smile on my face as I turned the corner. "There she is! Hi my love" He gave me a sweet smile, standing up from his crouched position.

He walked over and wrapped me in his arms, laying a sweet kiss on my lips before letting his hands wander to my swollen belly.

"Keeping our girl safe in there for me?" He asked and I nodded, my hands running over the hair on the back of his head.

"I've missed you" I sighed, wishing we were alone right now.

"I've missed you too" He replied back, Greyson not letting us bask in this moment as his little voice beat me to it.

"You miss me too daddy?" he asked, Nick's lips tugging upwards.

"I've missed you the most Grey" He said, looking down at the cheerful three year old. "Alright, I will give Grey the grand tour whilst you sit your pretty little butt down and kick those feet up" He said and I rolled my eyes, but listened.

I texted Joe whilst Nick waltzed around with our child, texting Joe bump updates, him sending me Sophie's bump back. Eventually he came into Nick's dressing room, keeping me company as we caught up.

"So, when do you plan on telling our mother?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

"Um, never" I cocked my head to the side, my lips pursed slightly.

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