51| I'm Sorry

292 17 10

Friendly reminder, visual wise it's 2019 Demi for anyone that cares :)

I use DWTD MV images in this chapter, view and read with caution <3 pst. happy one year DWTD - March 26th 2022

Triggers: Talk of suicide, suicidal thoughts, talk of abortion and rehab treatment 

*Demi's POV*

Waking up alone was probably one of the best, and scariest things to ever have happened to me.

All I remember is opening my eyes, and then quickly shutting them because everything was spotty, blurry, and bright.

Did I die?

Was I in heaven? Hell?

I remember trying to swallow, and feeling tears fall down my face as every muscle in my throat hurt.

I couldn't remember anything. It all felt foggy.

When I tried to open my eyes again, I couldn't bring myself to do it, and I could physically feel my hands shaking at my side, as they rested on the bedding.

I could hear the beeping, and feel the IV's. I could feel something move in my hand when I would wiggle my fingers, so I knew I was in a hospital. 

I knew I wasn't dead.

I couldn't figure out if I was grateful, or pissed off.

I could feel the tube in my throat, and I found myself starting to panic, clawing at my throat and I felt something tear, making excruciating pain and I heard a machine start blaring as my eyes closed again, and I was feeling light headed.

I heard faintly someone scream "CODE BLUE" and everything went dark.

* * * * 

"Ms. Lovato? Can you hear me?" I heard from far away, but I couldn't move, or open my eyes, and I felt my heart start to race the harder I tried. 

"Hey, you're alright. Calm down" I felt someone's gloved hand on mine and I could hear someone else walking around.

"We informed your family. They're on their way" Someone said and tried to do something that would make me feel alive, but I felt paralyzed. 

I kept going in and out of consciousness, but eventually I got it together and was allowed visitors.

Sitting here awake and alone as I waited for my family to at any moment walk in through those doors, and I was terrified.

I heard the door open, and the first person I saw was my mother, and she broke down crying, which only made me feel ashamed.

"Demi" She spoke softly, coming over to hug me. "I love you so much sweetie"

I couldn't talk, so I ended up just crying as she ran her fingers through my hair, kissing my forehead

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I couldn't talk, so I ended up just crying as she ran her fingers through my hair, kissing my forehead.

"I'm... sorry" I mouthed, hoping she understood me as my throat burned.

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