52| Memories

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A/N: I'm skipping past Demi in rehab because there is going to be nothing eventful that happens during that time since Nick's on tour and Demi's in treatment. You're missing nothing interesting other than her OBGYN appointments lol

*5 months later*

*Nick's POV*

Having Demi in treatment whilst I was on tour was one of the worst experiences of my life.

I wanted to be there for her so bad, for both her and Greyson, and I couldn't.

I told Demi about making us official, and she wasn't pleased at first, but the more I talked about keeping our private life private, and just sharing random photos here and there, Demi was more on board with it.

I definitely went on a bit of a hiatus whilst Demi was in treatment. I went to my concerts and did meet and greets, but I let Joe and Kevin handle the press since I knew if they asked about Demi, that I wouldn't be able to keep it together.

Demi and I decided to keep the baby, which meant Demi was now almost 6 months pregnant which was insane to think about.

It sucked very much that I wasn't allowed to be around her during this pregnancy, but I arranged plans with management to come home for the next three days since Demi was leaving treatment on the 14th of October, we were going to find out the baby gender on the 15th, and then the 16th was Greyson's 3rd birthday.

It felt so good to land back in California, and be on the same turf as both Demi and Greyson.

Demi was getting let out of her treatment center at 8am tomorrow, so I was currently on my way to pick Greyson up from Dallas and get Lennox from Priyanka's.

It was insane to think about Lennox almost being a year old.

She was starting to babble and crawl and eat solid foods.. It felt like I missed so much whilst I was on tour.

My brothers and I were on tour in America until July, and then we had a month off, and then we toured a little bit of Canada in August and September to October we were in Mexico.

It felt good to be home.

Even if it was for three days.

I knocked on Devin and Dallas's door, hearing Buddy bark from the otherside.

Dallas opened the door and I heard "DADDY!" screamed from the kitchen, feet hitting the hardwood floor until he was in front of me.

"GREYSON!" I shouted back, crouching down to pick him up and toss him in the air.

"Welcome home!" He giggled and I kissed his cheek, snuggling him.

I said hello to Buddy and sat on the floor in the living room, letting Buddy freak out.

When Demi went into treatment, she had me try out having Greyson call me daddy.

It was definitely weird at first, but after a while it sort of just clicked, and he started using it a lot more.

"Are you excited for mommy to come home?" I asked, playing tug with Buddy.

"Mommy all better!" He giggled, picking up one of the stuffed animals Demi got him.

"Mommy's getting better, yes. Have you had fun with Auntie Dallas and Uncle Devin?" I asked, Dallas handing me a water bottle before sitting down on the sofa.

"Yeah but I'm ready to go home. Miss mommy. Mommy's been gone too long" Grey said and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Are you excited for your birthday?" I asked, tossing a toy for Buddy, watching the white fluff ball run towards the tile, sliding and slipping which made us laugh. "I need to take him to the groomers" I spoke aloud, calling Buddy over to me.

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