48| Missing you |Rated R

379 20 10

Song: Sara - Live by We Three

This is a blanket statement trigger warning for the next few chapters:

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide, detailed suicide notes and graphic explanation of emotion and visuals (Photos are not added, just descriptions of a scene). You will be warned before the graphic scenes. Talk of child loss Flashbackspsychical, emotional and verbal abuse. Mention of abortion (action not taken)

Please know you're not alone. You're not the only person feeling like they're suffering and in endless pain. There are so many people who feel like this, have felt like this and maybe they lost their battle, maybe they won and maybe they'll still fighting. Keep fighting. Be the person to show it gets better. Life changes, you can change it. Be the right sucess story. Be the story that keeps other people alive. Makes them want to keep going.

It's never the end. You're not alone. Even in your darkest days, you're loved and wanted.

I will tell you right now: DEMI DOES NOT TAKE HER OWN LIFE. This is just another part of her story and shows the true suffering of losing a child, being in an abusive relationship and feeling like the world is against her.

Never be afraid admit you need help and seek it:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline
National Domestic Violence Hotline

*Nick's POV*

I was sitting in my living room replaying every single word Demi yelled at me, well into the early morning. I tried to replay the past year and match everything up until a phone call pulled me out of my thoughts.

Unknown Caller

I let it go to voicemail, afraid a fan had gotten my number, but by the 4th time it called, I finally picked it up.

"Please stop calling this number" I spoke quickly, getting ready to hit the end call button when someone yelled "NICK SHE'S GONE!" making me flinch.

"Hello?" I muttered, taken back by the female voice yelling.

"NICK! DEMI'S GONE!" A familiar voice yelled again.

"Who is this?" I asked, feeling disoriented by the yelling.

"Dallas! Is she with you!? Please tell me she's with you!" Dallas spoke in a hurry and my face scrunched up

I finally snapped out of my thoughts hearing her yell my name again.

"IS SHE THERE!?" Dallas screamed.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, wincing before bringing it back to my ear.

"No, I'm home alone"

"Fuck!" She cursed and I could hear the pure panic in her words and the frustration in her tone

"Wait! What do you mean she's gone?" I frantically asked, finally letting her frantic words click in my head.

"She dropped Greyson and Buddy off here at 7am without warning, he had a backpack and a couple pieces of paper. She said "I love you and I'm sorry. Please take care of my baby boy the way I know you would. I hope you forgive me, I'm so sorry" abruptly hugged me, leaving me stunned and then quickly ran off to her car, tears streaming down her face. By the time it clicked what she said, she was already driving down the street and I had a puppy and a child in my home" I could hear the sobs start to escape, filling my silence and I was terrified of what she'd say next. "Nick, they look like suicide notes! I can't lose my sister! Please tell me you know where she is!" Dallas cried

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