55| Nightmares

210 11 2

Trigger Warning: Child abuse - very brief, mention of suicide

*Demi's POV*

I stood outside my parents home, lifting Greyson so he could ring the doorbell.

I heard the barking of multiple dogs, waiting for the door to open. Buddy's tail was wagging a mile a minute as we stood at the closed door, my leg bouncing as Grey hit the bell repetitively

My dad opened the door and we had a quick greeting before Greyson ran off in front of us as I unclipped Buddy's leash so he could go play, hearing my sisters laugh in the distance.

Here goes nothing...

"Hi Grey! Where did you come from?" Maddie asked and I chuckled to myself, walking into the kitchen. "Oh" Maddie mumbled, our eyes meeting.

"Uh.. hey" I spoke awkwardly, standing in the arch of the kitchen.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" She asked and I mentally groaned.

I wanna go back home.

"I was informed you were here. Where's mom?" I asked, not wanting to deal with everything at once.

I knew she tolerated me for Greyson, but I wasn't so sure anymore. No one's really talked to me since the whole Suicide attempt. I honestly felt like I was walking on eggshells these past five months.

"She went to the bathroom... you uh.. you cut your hair" She said and I nodded, forgetting all about my buzzed head.

"Do you hate it?" I asked, the tension between us making my skin crawl.

"It's just different. That's all"

"Hey Madison, are you going to come to the- Oh, hello" Mom stopped, her eyes widening a bit as she stared at me.

"Hey" I muttered, Greyson hugging my leg, some sort of pastry being squished between his grubby little fingers.

"Please don't get that on mommy, here" I reached over, grabbing a plate. "Put it on the plate please. Don't get grandma's house dirty"

"But mommy-" He started and I sighed, placing the plate down on the table next to us.

It's not worth it Demi

"Please don't make a mess, okay?" I asked and he nodded, stuffing the sugar into his face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm here to talk to Maddie, if she'll let me" I glanced over towards my younger sister, awkwardly standing in front of both her and my mother.

I've never felt more unwelcome in my life.

"Uh, yeah, sure" She nodded.

"Be good for me, okay Grey? I'm going to go talk to Auntie Maddie for a minute and then we're gonna go to the park" I told my son, my hand brushing over the top of his hair.

Maddie and I walked to the back patio, taking a seat across from each other.

"So why do you want to talk to me?" She started and I sighed, going to run my hand through my hair, only to forget that it wasn't long anymore.

"Do you want the honest answer?" I asked and she nodded. "Nick wanted me to"

"Oh" She said bluntly, her hands folding in front of her.


"You're back together?" She asked, confusing me.

"We've never broken up?"

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