44| Hard To Love You

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*Nick's POV*

I was laying in bed with Demi cuddled into my chest, the blankets covering us. We were both falling asleep when I heard Demi let out a deep sigh.


"Can't you hear her?"

"Hear who?"

"Your daughter, dumbass. You left the monitor downstairs, she's crying"

I sighed and then groaned, slightly shoving Demi off my chest so I could put on boxers.

I walked into Lennox's nursery and she was crying but not insanely loud.

I carefully picked her up, and took her to her changing table. I changed her full diaper, griping about how gross it was to her. She just stared at me like I hung the moon. 

"My little Lennox Faith, you need to sleep for daddy. How am I supposed to win over your future step mommy if you're stealing me away from her? Come on baby girl, work with me" I carefully lifted her up and took her over to the rocking chair.

I ended up falling asleep holding her as we rocked, waking up a couple hours later when she was fussing again.

I sighed yet again because I was getting frustrated. I just wanted to go cuddle Demi and sleep.

I walked downstairs with her, making her a small bottle.

I sat her in her mamaroo, smiling at my little girl.

It wasn't until about 5:30am that Lennox went back to bed in her crib and I was able to find my way back to Demi. 

I carefully got into bed but I ended up still waking Demi up.

"Welcome back" She mummered. I kissed the top of her head and shifted so we were cuddling again.

I fell back asleep for about 2 hours and woke up to Demi getting up and putting on a bra, already wearing underwear.

"Where are you going?"

"One, I have to pee. Two, I want to get ready for today"

"Why? It's still early?"

"Nick, I went to be early last night. I'm wide awake"

"Can't relate" I huffed, rolling over. My face fell into my pillow and I heard Demi laugh. I felt weight on ass making me turn my head and I smiled, seeing Demi's hand in front of my face. "Well hello there. What cha doing?"

"Saying good morning to my sexy boyfriend" I felt her lips on the back of my neck as she left a few sweet kisses.

"Morning baby, are you going to make me get up with you?" My voice was pretty gruff at the moment and I heard Demi moan. I chuckled and turned a little. 

Demi moved off of me before coming back and straddling my groin once I rolled over. 

"I won't if you don't want me to. Do you wanna spend the morning with me or do you want to sleep? You can join me in the shower or you can sleep" Demi smirked. 

I hated her.

"Why are you doing this to me!" I playfully whined. I wanted to sleep so bad, but I also wanted to hang out with Demi. 

"I'm going to go start the shower. If you don't come in, hope you sleep well" Demi kissed my lips before standing up and I watched her strip her underwear and bra off in front of me before walking into the bathroom.

Someone's gained some more confidence overnight. 

I rolled out of bed, half asleep still, and made my way to the bathroom.

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