You're Pregnant

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Quick authors note before you read this imagine. It's a kinda a part two to the imagine "Would you ever want to try again". It will reference parts of that imagine but you don't technically need to read that first. Also side note, you are not Hopes mom biologically, Hayley is still her mother.

You were a human so being pregnant wasn't something that was impossible for you, but your husband is the original hybrid. While he already had a daughter, Hope, she was a miracle baby and no one knew if Klaus would be able to or even want to have more children. A few months ago when Hope was asking for siblings, you had started to think about having children. When you brought it up to Klaus, you guys decided that you wanted to try and see if there was a chance.

So a couple months later when you started to feel nauseous, got some cramps and were 4 days late, you decided to go buy a pregnancy test. You had taken the test and are currently sitting on your bathroom floor waiting for the results. 3 minutes seem like a long time when you have something to look forward to. This wasn't your first test and would most likely not be your last, but you had high hopes that this time you were pregnant. While waiting for the test you heard someone open and close the door to your shared room with Nik. Thinking it could be him you started to clean up everything from the pregnancy test.


"Oh my god, Bex it's just you. Thank god."

"What do you mean-"

She cut herself off as she walked into the bathroom to see you standing in sweatpants, one of Nik's shirts, a messy bun, and a pregnancy test in your hands.

"Y/N, you think you're pregnant? Oh my god, are you? What does it say?"

"I don't know yet Bexs. I'm hoping I am, I mean me and Nik have been trying for months now."

You look down at your phone to see the timer going off. You look at Rebekah and then back to the test in your hands. While 3 minutes ago you couldn't wait to see the test, now you were nervous it was just going to be another bad result.

"Well are you gonna look at it or not?"

"I just- what if it's negative."

"Then you'll keep trying, you will get pregnant Y/N. I'm sure of it. Now look at the test, I want to see if i'm gonna be an aunt again."

You slowly started to turn the test over in you hands.


You set the test down on the counter and started bursting into tears, excited that you were in fact pregnant. Soon a pair of arms wraps around you.

"Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry. It's gonna be okay, you and Nik will have a child."

As she said this you pulled away from her, she furrowed her eyebrows together, just like you noticed Klaus does when he's confused. You grabbed the test from the counter and handed it to her. When she read the test she looked back up at you with a huge smile on her face and tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant Bexs. I'm actually pregnant."

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be an aunt again. How are you gonna tell Nik? And Hope? Do you want it to be a boy or a girl? What about-"

"Calm down Bexs. I already have a plan to tell Nik and Hope. I'm gonna get cleaned up and then talk to Hayley about taking Hope out for the day."

"Ok, ok but tell everyone soon I cant keep this a secret for long."

She walked out of the room, after giving you a hug, with a huge smile on her face, leaving you in the bathroom with one twice the size. You got ready for the day and texted Hayley asking if you could take Hope out for a girls day. She said you could and that she would drop her off at the compound. You waited in the living area for Hope to arrive.

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