Valentine's Day- Part 2

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10 minutes. It was currently 6:45 and you just finished getting ready for your date with Nik. You decided to wear a red long sleeve see through shirt, blank jeans, and some heel boots. You decided you were gonna leave your house at 6:55 since Klaus' house was roughly 5 minutes away. You were fixing tiny details on your makeup, looking for your jacket, keys and purse and then made your way to your car. You got to Klaus' house right on time. 7 o'clock. You walked up his driveway and to his door. As soon as you were about to knock though the door swings open revealing, Rebekah.

"Hey Bekah. Is Nik here?"

"Oh so your calling him Nik now? And your date ready dressed. Oh my god, do you have a date with Nik?"

You blushed very lightly at Rebekah's words and looked down to your feet before returning her gaze.

"I do actually. Is he here?"

"Oh, Y/N. He left hours ago, said he had some business to take care of and that he might not be back for awhile."

Your smile fell and your eyes slightly gazed over with some tears. You blinked them away.

"Oh, he must of forgotten. It was stupid anyways. I'm just gonna go."

You walk away before Rebekah has a chance to say anything but that doesn't stop her from calling after you. You get in your car and head over to the bar at the Mystic Grill. You sat in the same position, same seat, in the same situation, with the same drink. Somehow though it almost made you feel worse. Had he really forgotten? Did he just get overwhelmed with stuff or was he just asking you out as a joke? Does he even like you or was he playing you? All these questions and more ran through your head when you were interrupted by Damon and Elena walking hand in hand into the grill. You roll your eyes as you see them walking up to you.

"Hey Y/N. Thanks for talking to Damon about us and pushing him to get back together with me. Now we have some Valentine's day plans."

"Yea no problem."

"Y/N you look smoking hot. Did you take my advice and get a date from one of the guys hitting you up in here."

You scoff at his comment and look at him

"Yea actually I did, but I got stood up. So I'm gonna sit here and drown my sorrows."

"Damn Y/N. Do you want us to stay with you? I mean we can always do Valentine's day tomorrow."

"No go enjoy your Valentine's day. Seriously I'll be fine here."

He looks at you unsure but you nod your head and push him away. Drinking one last shot, you get up and head to your car. You were looking for your keys in your purse when all the sudden you bumped into someone. Looking up you saw the one person you didn't want to see.


"Don't Klaus. I don't want to talk to you. I don't know what game you were playing here but i'm done playing along."

"Love, I wasn't playi-"

"Stop Klaus! I'm serious I don't want to-"

Your cut off suddenly when his lips are crashed onto yours. His lips were softer than you thought but you loved the feeling of them on yours. His hands were on both sides of your face and you guys started to back up so your back was pushed against your car. Your hands traveled up to his hair and his had traveled to your waist when you realized what you were doing. You pushed him away, your hands lingering on his chest but his kept their place on your waist.


He pecks you lips softly before pulling away.

"Stop calling me that. I asked you to call me Nik."

"I told you I'm done playing games. I don't want to play anymore. You've hurt me. Tonight hurt me."

You push away out of his grip, tears briming your eyes. You start to walk away but just bump into him again.

"Love please just let me explain. Tonight went wrong. People were plotting against me and fighting with them went wrong."

You still look at him unimpressed. He raises his hand to your face and rubs his thumb across you cheek. He looks you straight in the eyes.

"I wanted tonight to happen, trust me. I've been trying to figure out how to ask you out for months. And last night I did just that and now i've screwed it up haven't I? God how could I be so stup-"

You get on your tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. You smile into the kiss when you feel his smirk emerge.

"Your only half stupid, a text would have sufficed for a rain date. Don't think this gets you out of our date though, you owe me."

You smirk at him. He grabs your hand and backs away, pulling you with him slowly.

"I'm not waiting another second for our date. We are going on a date right now."

You smile at him and start laughing.


"We are going on a date right now. We can walk around town, get some ice cream, and I can walk you home."

"Nik, it's midnight. I doubt any ice cream parlor is open right now."

"Well the carvel around the corner is opening for at least another 5 minutes. We can walk there and get some."

You guys walked over to the carvel and it was in fact opened. You got some ice cream and the two of you had just been walking around and talking when you had somehow found your way back to your car. You had been talking for hours and it was now 4am.

"...I mean have you ever been? It's crazy there."

"No I've actually never been, you'll have to take me one day."

"It's a date then"

You both smiled at each other. You had just finished telling Klaus a story from a couple years ago when you left town.

"Listen love as much as I would love to continue this night,  you need some sleep."

"I'm alright Nik seriously."

As if contradicting yourself you yawned. Nik just looked at you and chuckled.

"I'm gonna drive you home Y/N."

He drove you home and walked you up to your porch like the perfect gentleman.

"Goodnight Y/N, I had an amazing night with you."

"Goodnight Nik, I had an amazing date."

He kissed you soft and slowly before mumbling a goodnight and vanishing. You walked into your house and smiled the entire time you were getting ready for bed. While your night was crushed just a few hours ago, you were on cloud nine.

AN: So i had an idea for this imagine and i'm not sure if this is exactly what I was picturing but I liked how it turned out. Sorry that this took so long to get up though, I got distracted with actual Valentine's day plans lol:)

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