Baby Daddy

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You stood outside of the compound, the same one you used to visit daily. Your stomach churned as you rose your fist to knock on the door- freezing when it opened already.


You stared at your best friend as a grin started to spread across your face. Rebekah enveloped you in a huge hug, making up for all the lost time.

"Hey Bekah."

"Where have you been? You haven't been answering my calls or texts, I started to get worried. I had even planned to head over a couple times when Nik told me that you said you were going on a business trip."

Great, he's covering for me now.

You had turned your phone off and bought a different one when you couldn't stand the constant badgering from the Mikaelson siblings, specifically one.

"Yeah, I had a business trip for a couple of days and you know how they are. I got really busy and I wasn't even using my normal phone so I had stopped carrying it around. Sorry for going MIA though."

"It's ok, just let me know next time. I'm glad your here. Do you want to have a girls night with Freya?"

You started to grow nervous again when you remembered the real reason for your visit.

"Actually, I had to talk to Nik about something. Maybe another night?"

"Yeah, ok. He's in the study. Come to my room when your done. I'm sure he'll be in a good mood now that your back home. Thank god, his constant complaining was getting to be annoying."

You laughed, knowing that Rebekah wanted you and Klaus to start dating for a long time. Little did she know. You started to walk to his study feeling more and more anxious with each step you took.

When you reached the study, you saw Klaus deep in thought until he picked up your scent. His head snapped over to you and an instant smile broke across his face.

"I was beginning to grow worried love. Have you come back for more?"

A smirk replaced his smile as he started to walk towards you. He leaned down to engulf you in a hug, one that you both desperately needed. You relaxed a little under his touch before mumbling his name.

"We need to talk."

"That we do, love."

Klaus's hand never leaves your back as the two of you walk over to the couch. You both sit down, his hand now moving to intertwine with yours. You play with his fingers for awhile before he clears his throat to gain your attention.


"I'm pregnant."

You watch him as his eyes widen and his jaw opens completely. His hand leaves yours as he bring up to slide it down his face.

"Listen Nik, I'm not asking for anything from you. I just felt like you had a right to know. That being said I-"

"Shut up."

"Excuse me?"

"I want to be in this baby's life. I want to be in your life. I may be absolutely no where close to being a father but I'll do my best to learn. I won't let you go through this alone."

You smiled at him, laughing slightly while your eyes started to well up with tears.

"Oh god, it's the hormones."

He laughed at you while taking your face in his hands, wiping away the one stray tear that was on your cheek. However, all the sudden his face turned serious.

"That night meant something to me. It's ok if it didn't for you but I," he pauses taking a deep breath before locking eyes with yours. "I love you. I'm in love with you. And I'm really putting myself out there which I don't normally-"

You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. Your hands lock behind his neck, pulling him closer if it's even possible. You can feel him smile into the kiss and you can't help but do the same. One of his hands drop down to your waist and he pulls you on top of him. You pull back, resting your forehead on his, an inevitable smile plastered on both of your faces.

"I love you too. God, I'm so in love with you."

You leaned down, pecking his lips once again.

"I can't wait to have a life with you," he pulls back a little to lift your shirt up and kisses your stomach. "and you too little one."

In that moment, you know your going to be ok. You know that there is a lot you and Klaus are going to have to figure out- becoming parents being one of those thing but you know you can do it as long as you have his support.

AN- Speaking of being MIA, hey guys. So I've been very inactive, my b. I've actually been on vacation for the past two weeks but I can't blame all of my inactivity on that. I've had trouble coming up with new ideas for these imagines as well.

Off topic but yesterday, I went to Covington Georgia which is where tvd was filmed lol

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