"Y/N we need to talk"
"Talk about what Elijah? Where's Nik? Why are you all here?"
You looked around the room at everyone's bloody faces. They had just returned from fighting off another enemy and Klaus insisted that you stay home with Hope.
"Just sit down Y/N."
"Rebekah why do I need to sit?"
You sat down anyways and watched as everyone shared a look. They all had somber facial expressions and were looking at you with such pity.
"Klaus is gone."
You furrowed your eyebrows at Elijah, who had now joined you to sit on the coach. What does he mean Klaus is gone? Why is everyone looking at me like that?
"I know, he left with you guys. I would've come to help but he insisted that I stay to watch Hope."
"No Y/N, Niklaus is dead."
And just like that time stopped.
Elijah kept talking to you but you couldn't hear anything he was saying. Tears started to stream down your face but you made no effort to get rid of them. You couldn't. It felt like you couldn't move. Like your heart had stopped. They all seemed to be in slow motion and you finally understood their expressions. The sadness because they just lost their brother and the pity for you. God, the pity. You hated it. It was supposed to make you feel better but if anything it made everything worse.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a hand was placed on your shoulder. You snapped your head around to see who it was, only to be met with the sad eyes of Rebekah.
"Y/N are you ok?"
You stood up, anger now flooding through your veins.
"Ok? Ok? How can I be ok? I-"
"Y/N, calm down."
"Kol, I can't calm down. An hour ago he was proposing to me. In this very room."
You gestured around the room while flicking your gaze between the Mikaelsons that stood in front of you.
"And now-"
Your breath hitches in your throat just by thinking of what your about to say next. And you already know that your voice is going to crack.
"And now your telling me that he's dead. How is that our life. How can the happiest and saddest day of my life all be on one day?"
You take a deep but shaky breath before continuing.
"This is my fault."
"It's not your fault, nothing could've been done-"
"No Freya. It's my fault. I should've been there to help. I could've done something, I could've stopped this."
"It should've been me. It should've been me."
Sobs raked your body as more tears fell freely down your face. Your heart rate started to quicken and all the sudden it felt like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs. The walls surrounding you seemed to close in which only made you try and speed up your breathing as you gasped for air.
"Y/N, you need to calm down."
"Elijah I can't. I can't breathe. I can't-"
You fell to your knees as you felt immense pain flow through your body. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around you and you looked around to see that Elijah wasn't at his spot by the couch anymore. You dug your face into his shoulder as you screamed. You screamed for the pain you felt, for the hatred that he died. That the love of your immortal life died.
What you didn't know however was that as much as you needed this hug, Elijah needed it too. He was crumbling on the inside but was trying to keep it together for his family and for you. But as soon as saw you like this, that wall was broken. Everyone's wall was broken. Rebekah couldn't stop the sobs that raked through her body and was trying to conceal the sound they made with her hand. Freya and Hayley couldn't even look in your direction and Kol left the room as soon as you started screaming. He couldn't stand to see or hear you in so much pain.
"He's gone."
You whispered, your voice raw from screaming.
Life didn't seem the same after that. Nothing really felt the same after that night. You put on a face during the day to ensure the others that you were doing ok and to help Hope grieve her father. But that's all it was, a face. On the inside it felt like you died the same night that he had.
AN- Lowkey inspired by that one scene in Grey's with Izzy and Denny but with a Mikaelson twist. It's pretty short but it's basically just you speaking the entire time while you break down.
I promise that the second part of Videos will be up soon. I just want it to be good and hold up to the expectations you know? I've probably written the second part 3 or 4 times and hated it every single time. But it will be up soon.

Klaus Mikaelson Imagines
VampireJust some fluff imagines of Klaus I will take requests if you guys have any:) Highest Rankings #4 Elijah Mikaelson #1 Marcel Gerard #1 danielgillies #1 Enzo #2 tvdfanfic #1 niklausmikaelson #1 preferences #1 freyamikaelson #1 rebekahmikaelson #1 jos...