Mi Amor

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You were on your way home when you decided to take the shortcut. Turning down the alley, you saw something you never thought was even possible.

Your boyfriend, and his siblings, were fighting a group of people. And they didn't look human like you had thought them to be. You watched as Klaus broke the last guys neck before any of them had noticed you.

"What the hell."



They took you back to the compound after you asked them to explain. Elijah and Rebekah left, figuring it was best for Klaus to explain himself.

"I'm not what you think I am."

"Well that much is obvious I think."

"Love, maybe you should sit-"

"What are you Nik?"

Klaus sighed, looking around the room before his eyes landed back on you. And once he saw you, no matter how selfish he was being, he knew he couldn't lose you.

But he did have to be honest with you.

"You should sit down."

Deciding not to fight with him further you agreed with him.

"Yeah, ok."

You sat down on the edge of his bed, only looking at your hands. You felt the bed dip next to you and sure enough Klaus had sat down too.

"I'm a hybrid, you know, half wolf and half vampire."

"How long?"


For the first time since you sat down, you looked at him.

"How long have you been, um, alive?"

"A little over a thousand years."

And nothing was more surprising to Klaus then when you started laughing. He was confused, but he couldn't stop himself from laughing with you.

"Why are you laughing?"

You moved so that you were now straddling his lap. You linked your arms around his neck as he linked his own around your waist.

"12 year old me would be dying right now."

He took one of his hands and pushed a piece of stray hair out of your face.

"You're not mad?"

"That you're a hybrid? No. That you felt like you needed to keep it from me for so long? Not mad, but a little hurt."

You felt his thumb start to swipe back and forth across your cheek.

"Trust me, there were so many times where I wanted to tell you. I just didn't know how to."

"And that's ok. But I am wondering how you kept it from me for so long."

Klaus started laughing and dropped his head on your chest. He looked back up at you, smiling when he saw the look on your face.

"You almost caught all of us multiple times. Actually so many times that my siblings have been urging me for weeks to tell you. And then every time I tried to they would interrupt."

You smiled before you leaned down and started to kiss his neck. You started to make your way towards his ear as he tilted his head to the side to give you more access.

"Show me the hybrid, the real you."

You were instantly flipped around, letting out a small squeal in the process. Klaus immediately started attacking your neck, definitely leaving behind marks.

"You have no idea what you're in for mi amor."

Klaus Mikaelson Imagines Where stories live. Discover now