"I promise"- Part 2

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They did it. They defeated Lucien. Using the power from Davina's death, they killed him. Turning him back into a normal vampire though didn't get rid of the venom in your system and it definitely didn't get rid of the pain you were in.

You had fallen unconscious before they found you so you woke up in your bed. Sitting up, hoping it was just a bad dream, you groaned out in pain. This instantly woke Klaus who was holding your hand, his head laying on the bed next to you.


"Shh, I'm right here love. I'm right here."

A tear slipped down his face, so your rose your free hand to wipe it off.

"I'm dying aren't I?"

You felt the tears slip down your face too as he shook his head no, clearly in denial.

"No you won't die. I won't let you die."

Your thumb wiped across his cheek as a small sad smile spread across your face.

"I am babe. I can feel it. I don't have much time left."

He stood up, dropping your hand and turning away.

"You are not dying! You can't die. We need you, I need you. You've made me need you for 309 years. You don't get to leave!"

You swallowed dryly looking at him as he turned around.

"I don't have a choice,"

"No you promised. You promised later and you promised me Always and Forever. You can't break promises, especially not Elijah promises."

The tears started to stream down faster as his voice cracked and he sat back down. You coughed as you felt your heart start to slow down.

"Listen to me Nik, I love you. I've loved you forever. You can do this without me, I know it. You will love your life with your daughter and with your siblings."

"How can I live knowing that you won't be there when I wake up or when I come home. That Hope won't get to know you or that I won't hear your voice again. How do I live without you?"

You smile softly, stroking away the tears on his cheeks again.

"We'll meet again, I know we will. I'll be waiting for you in the next life. But for right now, it's happening. I can feel it. My hearts started to slow and I don't feel any pain."

"No, I need more time."

"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson."

You leaned up and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"I love you too Y/N. I'll love you forever, I always will."

"Don't shut everyone out. Let them help you, let them grieve with you. And don't stop living, live your life, move on. Promise me Nik, please."

"I promise."

He heard your heart beat slow down until it finally stopped. He held you in his arms as he felt his own heart break. He walked out of your guys' bedroom for the last time ever. He vowed to never go back in there because if he did then the memories would come running back and in order to keep his promise, he needed that to not happen. He would often send Rebekah or Elijah in there to grab things of his or of yours. He slept with one of your shirts cuddled to his chest for your scent. The two of you did see each other in another life.

AN- Tbh I had a plan for this second part but then I forgot what it was so this is what I ended up with lol.

Check out my other imagine book, I just posted my first Damon imagine on there which is the first imagine i've written that's not Klaus. Enjoy:)

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