You've been friends with the Mikaelson family for a little over 700 years. You had first become friends with Rebekah and slowly worked your way into their family vow, Always and Forever. Rebekah was like a sister to you, Elijah was an older brother, Kol was your prank buddy and well Klaus, he was your best friend. Even though he was your best friend, over the years you had started to feel something for the original hybrid.
"Rebekah seriously Nik is not into me. He only see me as a best friend."
"Y/N your kidding right? Have you seen the way he looks at you? Plus the only other person allowed to cal him Nik is me."
You were having yet another conversation with Rebekah about Klaus liking you. You rolled your eyes before sighing,
"Bexs he looks at me as a best friend because that's all I am to him."
She scoffed and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when you heard voices and things breaking downstairs. You and Rebekah ran to the middle of the compound where Klaus and Elijah were having yet another fight.
"It's time Niklaus! You have to tell her, you can't keep pretending anymore"
"I'm not pretending Elijah, but I will not lose that women, she means way to much to me. I won't let some type of small feeling cause me to lose one of the best things in my life"
You heart dropped a little when you heard them talking. You figured it was about Camille and that Klaus didn't feel anything for you.
"And you two are fight again because why? Klaus if you really like Camille then you should just tell her because i'm pretty sure she has feelings for you too."
As soon as you spoke, Klaus turned around insanely fast. He looked at you with surprise and a look you didn't see on him often, fear.
"Y/N, how much of that did you hear."
Rebekah scoffed and rolled her eyes before answering the question for you
"Don't worry Nik, we just got the end of your fight."
Confused you glanced around
"Doesn't seem like I'm needed here so I'm gonna grab Hope and we are going shopping for diapers and formula."
You walked towards Hope's room and got her ready to go out. You grabbed the diaper bag and walked into the hallways when you heard yelling again. Instead of bursting right in there, you decided to eavesdrop.
"Nik I won't stand around and watch you hurt her over and over again. I mean look she thinks you have feelings for Camille."
Now you knew they were talking about you. You started to question things. What did Rebekah mean by saying that he hurt you? She wouldn't have told him that you liked him right?
"How am I the one hurting her? She doesn't feel anything for me."
Elijah started to speak now,
"So you don't care for her then? Maybe I'll grab one of our millions of stakes and stab it through her heart. You won't care right?"
"You lay a hand on that women Elijah and I swear, you won't be seeing the end of a dagger, it will be a white oak stake. Of course I care about her!"
"Alright Y/N you can come out now."
You stepped into the courtyard looking right at Klaus.
"And here I thought I had a good hiding spot."
Klaus turned around and looked at you again with the same look of fear and surprise.
"Listen, I know you don't-"
"Say it", you whispered
"Just say it already"
He looked around at Elijah and Rebekah probably to swallow his pride. His gaze returned back to you and he took a deep breath
"I love you Y/N Y/L/N. I've loved you forever"
You walked over to Elijah and handed him Hope and the diaper back. Klaus had his head down and he was looking at his shoes. You walked up to him, putting your hands on his chest and leaning up into his ear.
"I'm gonna kiss now and your siblings are probably gonna tease you about it"
You pulled back and connected your lips with his. Even though you gave him a warning, he was still hesitant at first. He started to kiss you back and his hands landed on your waist. It felt like sparks were going off everywhere and the only reason you pulled away was because Hope started to clap. Elijah and Rebekah joined in on her clapping causing you to laugh and Klaus to bury his head in your shoulder out of embarrassment.
"See Elijah, I told you Y/N would make the first move, you owe me $50"
"Yes I guess you were right about that sister."
You felt Klaus's checks get hot out of embarrassment but you leaned over to his ear, pressing your lips against it. You whispered so no one else could hear,
"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson, always and forever."
He kissed your shoulder in return before whispering
"Always and Forever"
"Now Nik, you better make the first move in the bedroom because I've bet $150 against Kol."
Fed up, Klaus picked you up and used vampire speed to speed you to his room.
"Yes, I've got to call Kol."
AN- Thank you guys so much for a thousand reads!!! Hope you enjoyed this imagine:)

Klaus Mikaelson Imagines
VampireJust some fluff imagines of Klaus I will take requests if you guys have any:) Highest Rankings #4 Elijah Mikaelson #1 Marcel Gerard #1 danielgillies #1 Enzo #2 tvdfanfic #1 niklausmikaelson #1 preferences #1 freyamikaelson #1 rebekahmikaelson #1 jos...