7 years

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It's been 7 years. 5 since you talked to him. Hayley talked or tried to talk to him everyday. 7 years ago the Hollow was split between Klaus and his siblings to save Hope.

Originally you had gone with Klaus to Europe and for the first few months everything was fine. He was still grieving the loss of his child but he was open about it and talking to you about his feelings. However, that changed. He started closing himself off and he would go out in the middle of the night and return home covered in blood. When you asked about it he shot you down and walked away.

It had been one year when things got really bad though. He stopped talking to Hope all together and he was only home for an hour each week. You had finally grown tired of his actions and decided to ask him about it.


"Where have you been?"

He turned around to look at you and furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

You scoffed and looked around the room. You motioned between him and his bloody clothes.

"I mean that your only ever home for an hour every week and when you do return you are covered in blood. So where do you go?"

"I'm not talking about this"

"Oh so that's it? I ask a question and you just refuse to talk about it. Just like you refuse to talk to Hope?"

"That's different and you know that."

"How is it different? She's your daughter Nik. She misses her dad."

"And I miss her, why are you trying to pick a fight with me."

"Maybe because this is the most conversation we've had in 6 months. What are we doing here Nik? This isn't a relationship, hell I wouldn't even call us acquaintances."

"How could we be in a relationship if your cheating on me? I heard your secret phone calls and I see you texting people behind my back."

You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest.

"Your kidding right? You wanna know who my 'side dude' is? It's Hope. I text and call her everyday because she tries to talk to you. And every single time I make up some excuse saying that your not here or that you're in the shower. She even uses her magic to project herself here every week. I'm sorry if I won't push your child away."

He stayed silent and wouldn't look at you.

"I can't do this anymore Nik. I can't sit here and wonder if your coming home or what your doing."


Your heart shattered. You had hoped that he would at least try and stop you to fix things. You blinked away the tears but that didn't stop the cracks in your voice.

"Fine. I'll come collect my things later then."

"That won't be necessary I was just on my way out."

And then he left. You packed up your things and left your house for the last time. You visited Rebekah and Marcel in New York for awhile and then Kol and Davina too. You had even stoped to see Elijah in Monsque for some time even if he didn't know who you were. You ended up back in New Orleans to visit Hope, Hayley, Freya and the rest of your friends. When you had told Hayley what happened with Klaus she told you that you could stay in the compound and you took her up on her offer.


After that night you had only talked to Klaus once when you walked in on Hayley facetiming him. It was just a simple hey before you walked back out. You had tried to move on but you just couldn't. You still loved him.

You were in your room when you heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was Hope, who just got sent home for turning Henry into a hybrid, you muttered a simple come in. The door opened and closed and when you didn't hear her say anything you looked up from what you were doing.

"Sweetheart, what do you-"

You were shocked to see Klaus standing there, looking painfully uncomfortable. You raised your eyebrows up not believing what you were seeing. The shock wore off when you realized that he couldn't be here because of Hope.

"You have to go, Hope is home."

You tried pushing him out of the room but he just caught your wrists.

"She's not here. I had Freya and Hayley take her out so I could talk to you."


You backed up a little, looking at the floor. You felt your heart beating erratically in your chest and the palms of your hands starting to sweat. Awkward silence fell through the room and you decided to break it, still not looking up

"So you wanted to talk? About?"



Suddenly you felt his finger hook under your chin making you look at him in the eyes. You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach. After all this time he still has this effect on you. You leaned into his touch, when his hand moved to cup your face. You missed his blue eyes that always seemed to soften when they locked with your Y/E/C ones.

"I made a mistake and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you away when we left. I'm sorry for never being home. I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating when you were talking to my daughter. And I'm so sorry for not fighting for you."

You felt tears start to well in your eyes as you felt his thumb start to move against your cheek.

"It hurt. I just wanted to help and I didn't want you to go through it alone. But I'm sorry for leaving you."

You leaned in as he started to as well. You rested your foreheads together and both of you paused for a minute just taking in the feeling of being with each other again. You closed your eyes, missing just being with him. You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. His other hand immediately grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him as yours intertwined behind his neck. He kissed you passionately making up for all the years lost. Both of his hands made it to your thighs and he picked you up bringing you to the bed. Let's just say Hayley, Hope and Freya did not come that night or the next morning.

AN- Honestly not even sure how I got this idea I was literally looking at a blank page and started writing lol.

Anyways, I just posted the first couple of chapters of my Joseph Morgan story, My love, so check it out:)

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