A second

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"Y/N, there's a witch problem, mind if I steal you away?"

Elijah glanced at Klaus before looking back at you. Klaus's grip tightened on your waist, but you leaned on your toes giving him a quick kiss on his jaw.

"I'll be right back."

You assured him, calming him a little. He watched you leave the room with his brother noticing the closeness. Overthinking every time Elijah seemed to need your help or how you always complied. For what seemed like hours to him, but had only been an hour and half in reality, he went to find you. He was tired of overthinking everything and just wanted to be with you. He walked into the study, where he saw you doing some spell and Elijah looking over your shoulder. And he didn't like one bit of it.


He stated louder then he wanted to but went with it anyways.

"Can I borrow you for a second?"

You looked over your shoulder seeing him in the doorway. Elijah backed up from you a little giving you a better view at your seemingly angry boyfriend.

"I'm a little busy now babe, can it wait?"

You started to walk across the room to where Esther's grimoire sat but Klaus blocked your way.


You were cut off by his lips colliding with yours, his tongue instantly parting your lips to show his dominance. You gasped as his arms wrapped around your waist, his lips leaving small kisses on your neck to your ear. He nibbled slightly, before whispering

"Sure you can't spare a second?"

"Maybe I have a few minutes."

Pulling away from Klaus you looked back over to Elijah clearing your throat awkwardly.

"Mind if I-"

He waved you off before looking back down at whatever book he was reading.

"Yeah, yeah, go have your fun. Just keep it down a little this time, Marcel told me he could her you two from across the river. And I need you back here in an hour to finish that spell."

He said motioning over to the table, a playful smirk on his face. You checks heat up in embarrassment, when you feel strong arms grabbing your waist and pulling you out of the room. You look at the man you love and wonder how you ever got so lucky, not knowing that he was thinking the exact same thing.

AN- Hey guys, this might be my last upload for a little bit, cause I'm gonna be really busy this week. I also want to thank you guys for all the love that this story has been getting recently, I really appreciate it!:)

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