Not so fictional

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"Who are you?"

The word stung a deep pain in Klaus's chest, one he had never felt before. You were taken by the witches, who claimed that they had done something with your memory. He had pushed aside the thought but now that you were awake and not recognizing any of them, he was growing frustrated. He tried to grab your hand but when you flinched away, he backed up a few steps.

"I'm Klaus, Niklaus Mikaelson, you call me Nik."

or babe, he wanted to say but decided not to overwhelm you. He looked over to Elijah and Freya but returned his gaze to you.

"These are my siblings Elijah and Freya. Your Y/N Y/L/N-"

"I know who I am. What I don't know is why I'm here with a bunch of strangers."

Rebekah walked into the room, smiling when she saw that you were awake.

"Ah, great she's awake. Y/N/N what did they do to you?"

"What did who do to me? Where am I? Who are you people?"

"Bloody hell, those witches were right."

Instead of answering your questions everyone just looked at each other unsure of what to do. You were growing more confused and worried as the time kept passing.


"I'll take care of it Nik."

Klaus looked over at Rebekah, gave her a nod, and left the room as quick as possible. He didn't want to show weakness in front of you and his siblings but the fact that you forgot who he was has really hit him. Elijah and Freya followed him out and into the study.

You looked over at Rebekah, who had now joined you on the couch. Whispering your said,

"Rebekah, who are these people? What do they want with me?"

Rebekah was surprised to say the least, her mouth fell agape and her eyes widened.

"You know who I am?"

"Of course I know who you are Bekah, your my best friend."

"So what do you remember."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not thinking that anything had really been lost. But deep down you felt a part of you missing something, longing for something.

"I remember you, Elijah, Freya, Marcel. I remember about witches and werewolves and vampires. Why would I forget anything?"

"The witches took you, said they did something with your memory. What about Nik?"

"Who's Nik? Oh wait, he's the guy that was in here before? Why did he say I call him Nik, I'm pretty sure I've never met him in my life."

You started laughing but stopped when Rebekah didn't join in with you.

"Is there something I'm missing?"

"How can you not remember? The way he made you feel, the way he makes you laugh, the way you two look at each other? How do you just forget that?"

"Tell me."


"Tell me about us, about him. I want to know."

"Are you sure?"


So she did. She told you about how you met, how you fell in love, when you confessed, she told you everything. But you didn't remember anything. You didn't remember how you felt about him, how she claims you talked about him, you don't remember him.

"Rebekah I believe you, but I don't remember it."

Her face fell at your words. She was hoping that telling you would jog your memory. Meanwhile, Klaus was growing more and more concerned that you wouldn't ever remember him.

"Have you found anything yet Freya!"

Freya looked up from her grimoires to face a distressed Klaus. He was pacing back and forth while waiting for her to find something.

"Well? I can't have her not know who I am, I need her. I love her."

"I'm doing the best I can Klaus. I'll look through all of our grimoires and I won't stop until I find something."

Before Klaus could respond, Rebekah walked into the room.

"We have a problem."

"I remember all of you," you paused, not really knowing how to break it to the man you were supposed to love that you couldn't remember him, "except you."

You turned to Klaus and saw his face immediately fall. The room grew silent because no one knew what to say. Everyone was waiting for Klaus's response but he stood there with a straight face. After awhile you decided to break the silence.

"Rebekah tried to explain it, the memories. She told me everything that she knows but I still can't remember."

Klaus nodded his head slowly, looking anywhere but at you.

"Is there a way for them to come back or am I stuck not knowing for the rest of my life?"

And for the first time since you walked into the room, Klaus looked hopeful.

"You want them back? The memories?"

"Of course I want them back, I don't want to live a lie. A part of me, a small part, still knows you. And I want to know you. I loved you for a reason."

Klaus smiled, a real genuine smile. It wasn't something that happened often but if it ever did, it was mostly because of you. Knowing that he was smiling because of something you did caused your heart to flutter. You both looked over to Freya.

"So is there something you can do?"

"Not that I can see so far, but I haven't looked through all of our grimoires."

He looked back over to you and then to Freya and then back to you. He shook his head slightly before saying,

"I'm tired of waiting for magic."

You looked back at him to see him slowly approaching you. When he reached you he grabbed your face in his hands and planted a kiss on your lips. And just like that, all the memories came flooding in. The first time you met, your first kiss, your first date, everything. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on yours, both of you not opening your eyes.

"Tell me it worked, please tell me it worked."

You looked up at him, only to see his eyes still closed.

"Look at me."

He opened his eyes slowly to be met with your
Y/E/C ones.  Behind his eyes you could see his hurt, his want for this to work.

"It worked Nik, I remember."

He sighed deeply before giving you one more peck.

"I guess the stories we read to Hope aren't completely fictional."

At this everyone in the room laughed. You pulled back to look at them all taking in everything you had. You loved them all for different reasons but forgetting Klaus would've damaged you deeply. You never wanted to forget him again.

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