"Don't walk away"

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You stumbled into the compound, after being taken hostage by Lucien. You were bitten. Lucien actually bit you. He wanted to hurt Klaus and bitting you would do just that. Plus, it would make Klaus angry enough to come out of the compound and Lucien could kill him.


You collapse after fainting but you never hit the floor. Klaus caught you and brought you up to your shared bedroom. You started to stir awake and hear two people talking.

"Niklaus you will not leave the compound, if you do Lucien will find you and kill you. That wouldn't be helpful. We have Freya and Vincent looking for a cure, the Bennett witch is looking through her grimoires and Hayley is going to get Hope to see if her blood can heal the bite. Right now you need to be here taking care of Y/N."

"He bit her Elijah. He actually bit Y/N. I can't lose her, I won't. I will not stand here and watch her die. My blood doesn't work, we already saw that with Finn. What if Lucien's blood is the cure? I would do anything to heal her, even if it meant killing myself."

"Lucien will not give you the cure. He will just kill you and let Y/N die."

"I can take that chance."

"Don't.....Don't let him kill you."

In an instant Elijah was by your side looking at you from the side of the bed. Klaus just looked at you and walked out of the room. You looked up to Elijah

"Don't let him go out there Elijah. Please, give me your word that you won't let him go after Lucien."

"I give you my word, Y/N. We will heal your bite, I give you my-"

"Don't Elijah. Don't make promises you can't keep."

You looked at each other with sadden smiles. Suddenly Freya came running into the room with what smelt like crap in a bowl.

"This won't heal you but it will slow down the process a bit."

"Thank you Freya. Is there anyway you can get Nik to come back in here. I know he feels like he's doing nothing but I don't want him to hate himself if I die. I need to make sure he knows it wasn't his fault."

They both just nodded slowly and walked out the room. Leaving you in the bed, a bite on your neck slowly killing you.

Klaus' POV

He is doing everything he can to stay away from you. He's even trying to help Vincent. Key word trying.

"Listen man, I know that's your girl and all, but I'm doing everything I know and can do to help her. She's my friend too and I don't want to lose her either. But you standing here, hovering is not helping."

"Niklaus, come on"

Klaus looks at Vincent before turning around and leaving the room with Elijah. They walk to the study, Klaus immediately walking to the bar to get himself a drink. After downing his drinking he looks back to Elijah.

"I know what your about to say Elijah, but I can't. I can't go into that room and talk to her about dying. I can't even imagine her dying, I can't do it."

"She's requesting your presence brother. She doesn't want to talk to me or Freya or Hayley. What she wants to do is talk to you, in the time she has left."

"Why do you keep talking to me like she's dying! Freya and Vincent will find a cure and if they don't then my child's blood will heal her! I can talk to her tomorrow after I've learned how to kill Lucien."

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