"No more late night drives"

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TW- car crash, while this might not be traumatic for a lot of people, PTSD can happen from car crashes as well

Your eyes fluttered open. You could feel the blood rushing to your face and all you could hear was this high pitched sound. Looking around you started to remember what happened. You had been driving, tears blurring your eyesight, when someone had suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. Everything happened fast and you remember being knocked around as your car was flipping over. After realizing who you were, the man sped away, not wanting to get caught in the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. There was glass and blood all over the road beneath you, but your phone sat there as well, blowing up with calls and texts from your boyfriend, Klaus. The two of you had gotten into your first fight and you left his house in a fit of anger. Now you couldn't even remember what the fight had been about. Reaching out to grab your phone, you stopped as a shot of pain jolted through your body. Only then did you realize that your phone was barely in arms reach. Fumbling around you were finally able to grab the phone in your hand. Looking at it, you realized it had been hours since you left his house and your phone had very low charge. It started to ring again and you answered it quickly

"Y/N? Oh thank god. Tell me your ok-"

Hearing your weak breathing and your erratic heartbeat he cut his sentence short

"N-Nik, I-I"

Struggling to speak you swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Love? Stay with me ok? Where are you? Don't hang up until I get to you? Ok? Y/N?"

Your eyelids started to get heavy as you fought to stay conscious. You started to speak again, having to take breaks every few words

"I don't know where I am. My phones gonna die and I think I am too."

Tears started to well up in your eyes as you realized the severity of your situation. Klaus's breath hitched in his throat as he thought of you dying. After hearing his silence on the other side of the phone, you spoke up again.


"Yes, I'm on my way love. Your gonna be o-"

Your phone suddenly shut off and you figured it had died. You decided that closing your eyes for a little while wouldn't be the worse thing to happen


After hearing the line on the phone get cut off, he angrily looked for Rebekah's contact in his phone. Finally finding it as he listened around the streets for you, he called her

"Rebekah we need to find Y/N. She's somewhere hurt. She left the house and then she disappeared for hours and she just called and-"

"Nik calm down. Tell me what you want me to do."

"Call everyone and have them looking for her. Ask Freya to do a spell of something."

"Ok, she gonna be alright."

Tears started to well in his eyes as he was looking frantically around the streets for you.

"I can't lose her Rebekah. Not like this. Not at all."

"Nik, we are going to find her in time."

In reality Rebekah wasn't sure if they would find you at all. She just needed to comfort her brother while he started to spin out of control. Klaus hung up the phone and was searching every street when he suddenly caught your scent in the wind. Using his vampire speed, she sped in the direction it was coming from, finding your car completely turned on the top.


You jolted awake when you heard the sound of your car door being pulled off. You felt someone's hands pull you gently out of the car and into their arms. Klaus lowered the two of you so he was sitting on the floor with you in his arms. He bit into his wrist and held in up to your mouth

"Y/N, love, I need you to drink this ok? Please?"

You started to drink his blood and you could feel the wounds closing. However, you were still exhausted but opened your eyes to be met by Klaus's blue ones. Smiling slightly, he let out a huge sigh when he saw your Y/C/E eyes. He placed a kiss on top of your forehead.

"Ok your alright. Your alright."

He said it more to convince himself then to provide comfort for you, even if he intended to do the latter. You reached your hand to cup his cheek and he leaned into your touch.

"I'm right here Nik. However, I'm really tired."

"I'll take you home then."

He picked you up bridal style and in no time you were standing outside of the compound.

"I didn't realize that the compound was my home."

You chuckled softly as he walked you inside.

"It is now. You are never leaving my side again."

"Does this mean I won our fight? Even if I cant remember what it was about?"

"Oh, I wouldn't consider this a win. For either of us honestly."

"I love you Nik."

"I love you too Y/N. But no more late night drives, even if your mad at me."

AN- I'm gonna be honest, I kinda hate this. I don't know it feels kinda rushed and weird. I had a good feeling about it in the beginning but then I didn't really know how to like continue.

Also, I am still working on that Joseph Morgan story, I want to make it a social media story, so i'm trying to get used to that and figure out a plot line. Anyways, hope you enjoyed:)

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