"We need someone to put the Hollow into. Once the Hollow is in someone we can stake them, killing them and the Hollow in the process."
"At what price?"
You looked at Vincent, disbelief shown in your facial features.
"What price are you willing to pay? Your plan needs one of us to die, I won't let that happen."
"Y/N, calm down."
"Bexs I'm calm but he wants one of us to die. We could probably all die right now and he wouldn't lose a minute of sleep tonight."
"My plan talks about taking one life to save the rest! If we don't stop the Hollow, a lot more than just one Mikaelson will fall. In fact this entire town and every single one of you will fall."
"And whose life are you willing to give up? Yours? Or do you plan on forcing it on one of us?"
You look at Elijah wishing that he just let you handle this. You knew Vincent and Elijah haven't been getting along at all recently and this would just motivate Vincent to keep pushing his ridiculous idea.
" 'Lijah."
He returns your gaze before nodding and taking a step back.
"I'll do it."
"No! Absolutely not!"
This time you look over to Klaus who has finally decided to speak up and join the conversation.
"I won't let you do this Y/N."
"He right."
You snap your head in Vincent's direction and see how tense he is. It's almost as if he's holding something back. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest.
"Wow, you and Nik actually agreeing on something. I thought I'd never see the day."
Vincent looks down and shakes his head before continuing.
"The Hollow is in Hope. In order to put it in someone else-" He pauses looking at all the Mikaelsons in the room, "they have to be related to Hope, genetically."
The room goes silent. Today is the day one of the Mikaelson siblings die. You weren't ready for that, none of them were. If the room wasn't tense before, it definitely was now. You look around slowly at all the people who you love, who love you, and in that moment you can't imagine one of them dying. You can't imagine your life without any of them.
Every single one of their deaths would destroy you. Especially one.
"I'll do it. You put the Hollow into me and it saves Hope, right?"
You trail off looking to the left at Klaus. You bite your lip in attempts to stop the tears from falling. You know this is something he has to do but it doesn't make it any easier. You weren't ready to admit that this was your only option to defeat the Hollow. Vincent looks between the two of you and decides to speak up, his tone softer than before.
"If we are gonna do this we need to do it now. Your daughter is strong but she doesn't have much fight left."
Your eyes never leave each other's gaze and he sees how much this is hurting you. Everyone in the room is looking at the two of you, their eyes also starting to brim with tears.
"Can we have a moment?"
You whisper, finally tearing your gaze away from Klaus to look at everyone else. They nod and leave the room. An awkward tension falls between you and Klaus as you both fall silent, not knowing what to say. After awhile, you decide to break the silence.
"Hope just lost her mother, she can't lose her father too. The grief will tear her apart."
"Hope will be fine in time. Plus. she will still have you."
"If you die to save her life that grief is going to tear her apart from the inside out."
"And if I don't then the Hollow will! I am protecting my daughter. She'll be fine and I've lived too many lives to count. I'll be fine."
"What about me?"
You shake your head and point to yourself as tears fall down your face.
"What about me when you die?"
Your voice cracks as you start to breakdown. Klaus makes an attempt to grab your hand but you pull away.
"I get it Nik, you'll be ok and Hope will be ok but what about me?"
"I can't handle it Nik. There has to be another way. If you die, I'll never be able to forgive you or myself."
"Forgive me?"
His eyebrows furrow as one tear slips down his face.
"For what? Protecting my daughter? And you?"
He shakes his head as he takes another step towards you but this time you don't back away.
"Then for what?"
You close your eyes while you take a deep shaky breath.
"For making me love you! For making me be so in love with you that it hurts!"
He pulls you to his chest and wraps his arms around you as another sob escapes your body. You stay like that for awhile until your crying eventually slows. You pull away slightly, but only enough to look at him. You notice that while he was comforting you, he was crying as well. You take one of your hands from his waist and place it on his cheek.
You realize that he isn't doing this with the intentions to hurt you or even because he wants to but because he has to. He has to protect his daughter and his city. He has to protect you. And as soon as you realize that, you also realize that you can't hate him or stop him from doing this. In fact, it only makes you love him more.
"I love you and I am so proud of what you are doing."
You lean up and kiss him deeply. You both can taste the saltiness of your tears but you don't care. The kiss isn't long but it's loving and passionate. You pull away from him and rest your forehead on his.
"I love you too."
"I'll protect her, I'll protect Hope."
"Don't just protect Hope, live your life and be happy. Keep doing the things that make you happy like going shopping with Rebekah or drinking with Freya. Keep being you, promise me that."
"I promise. I can promise you that. I can also promise that I will love you forever even if your not here."
He leans down and kisses you hard. He pulls you as close as possible to him. He pulls away and you hug him. It's not a goodbye, but rather a see you later when you join him in the afterlife.

Klaus Mikaelson Imagines
VampireJust some fluff imagines of Klaus I will take requests if you guys have any:) Highest Rankings #4 Elijah Mikaelson #1 Marcel Gerard #1 danielgillies #1 Enzo #2 tvdfanfic #1 niklausmikaelson #1 preferences #1 freyamikaelson #1 rebekahmikaelson #1 jos...