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Klaus was standing in the kitchen, getting a drink of water for you. The two of you had finally confessed your feelings for each other. However, a sudden smell of blood rang through his nose. He listened in to see if maybe one of his siblings had come home with a blood bag but when he was searching for them, he couldn't hear you.

He couldn't hear you moving in his room, he couldn't hear your breathing and he couldn't even hear your heart beating. He instantly ran up to his room to see you. But what he saw broke his heart.

You laid on his bed covered in your own blood.


It was everywhere. All over your clothes, all over his sheets, all over you. It was still dripping out of the slit you made across your throat with the knife that now laid in your hands.

"No, no, no, no,"

He ran over to you while ripping open his own wrists to feed you his blood. But it didn't work, you were already gone. Lifting up his now bloody hands to his head, he turned around as memories started to flow through his mind.


"Rebekah, what took you-" Klaus stopped his sentence as he turned the corner to be faced with his sister and you.

"And who is this?"

"This is Y/N, she's my friend Nik. Oh and she knows about us."

"About us?"

"Yes, Niklaus Mikaelson, the worlds first hybrid and part of the original family."

You smiled, and it was a smile that Klaus would never forget.


He screamed. A loud, painful scream. How did this happen. An hour ago, you were fine. You were breathing. He flipped over the table in his room and wiped all the stuff on his bedside table onto the floor.

More and more memories of you came flooding through his mind and he couldn't stop them. He couldn't stop the pain that came with them.


"Dance with me."


You looked down at Klaus's hand that was now extended out to you.

"Dance with me."

You furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to why he was asking you. You guys had become closer since Rebekah first introduced you, but you had never danced before.


You took his hand and then he took yours, wrapping it around his arm. He walked with you to the middle of the compound where people were dancing. He stopped and walked around you so that he was now standing in front of you. He put one hand on your waist and kept your other hand in his. You placed your free hand on his chest as you started to sway back and forth.

"Klaus Mikaelson dancing? With me?"

He chuckled softly, a small smile creeping across his face.

"What's so wrong with us dancing?"

"I don't know."

The two of you ended up dancing the entire night and it was the first time Klaus realized that he loved you. That night, he realized that the feelings he had for you weren't just feelings, it was love. It was also the first night that you realized that his life wasn't always vampires and werewolves and witches.


After destroying the room, Klaus sat down next to your body. He moved the hair out of your face and laid his hand on your cheek. He kissed your forehead, for one last time. He sat back up to leave when he saw the note in your hand with the knife. He picked it up and as soon as he saw the handwriting he knew who did this.

Hope you enjoyed my gift. Come find me when you come to your senses and realize that you still love me. I can forgive you for your recent transgressions.


AN- This is so short but oh well lol. Do you guys want a part 2 or maybe like a part prequel for the love confession??? Idk, comment if it's something you guys want lol or I could just leave it like this.

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