Videos- Part 2

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"Grab the camera! Nik grab it!"

The frame of the camera jumbles around a little bit before it lands on you and a walking Hope.

"Come on sweetheart, come to me."

"Go on Hope, walk to Y/N/N."

Hope progresses to make her first few steps until she lands right in your arms. Your mouth is wide open in joy and you hug her as tight as possible. You flicker your gaze from baby Hope to Klaus who looked just as proud as you were.

"She just took her first steps!"

"Oh mommy is going to be so mad that she missed them."

You said as you looked down to Hope, who had seemed to get comfortable in your lap while
playing with the toy you had and your fingers.

"It's a good thing I got it on camera."

You laugh while giving Hope a kiss on the head.

The video ends with a click. Before he can press play to the next video, someone interrupts him.


He looks over to Hope who is standing at the doorway of your room in her pajamas.

"Sweetheart what are you doing awake."

"I couldn't sleep. I miss Y/N."

He sighed at her words. Just like him, Hope had been having difficulty adjusting to life without you. This was the first night that she even attempted to sleep in her room instead of on your side of the bed since you died.

"I miss her too but she wouldn't want us to be sad. She would want us to be happy and live our lives."

"Is that why you watch those videos?"

He glanced down at the camera before returning his gaze to his crestfallen daughter. She wore the pajamas that you had bought her the day before you died and she clutched the teddy bear you gave her when she was born tight to her chest.

"I watch these videos because they remind me of the happy times Y/N and I had."

"Can I watch some?"


He picked up Hope and sat her on his lap waiting for her to get comfortable before playing the next video.

"Is it on?"

A young Hope's voice comes through the camera. The frame falls on Hope's forehead and your face over her. Your arm reaches around and helps her fix the frame so it's on both of your foreheads.

"Yes, it's on and now you can see us."

"What are my two girls doing?"

Both you and Hope look over to the right at  Klaus who is somewhere behind the camera.

"Dad look! Y/N is teaching me how to film so I can record videos of you guys."

"Is she now?"

A wide smile grows on both of your faces and Hope starts to laugh.

"Yes! Now get together so I can film."

You disappear from the frame and Hope turns the camera to film you guys but you can only see yours and Klaus's legs.

"Hope angle the camera up, a little more, righttt there."



The frame now shows you and Klaus. He has his hand wrapped around your waist and yours are on his chest.

The video stops suddenly. Klaus looks down at Hope as she starts to sniffle.

"Dad, can we watch one more?"

He hesitates before answering wondering if what his sibling said was really true. Was watching these videos hurting more than it was helping? Or could it be a healthy way to remember Y/N?

"Yeah, yeah, sure."

The video starts off with you twirling Hope around. The two of you are laughing and you can hear Klaus laughing in the background as he is setting up the camera. When he's done, he joins in on you tickling Hope.

There's no speaking to the camera or even acknowledging that it's on. The three of you are all just running around and having fun until Hayley walks in.

"Hope, honey it's time to go home."

"Mom," she whines as she turns around and starts to pout, "can I just stay here? Dad is still it."

You and Hayley share a look before you nod, deciding to take care of it.

"Hope you stayed here last night, it's time to go home with your mom."

"But your my mom too."

Your face changes to one of confusion as you look at Hayley, who just gives you a smile and a nod back. She was honestly ok with Hope calling you mom because in reality you really were like her second mom and you treated her like your daughter. She was glad that Hope had someone like you in her life. Klaus's smile instantly widens at her words.

"I love you Hope and we will have a girls day tomorrow, I promise."

You hug Hope before the video stops because of the battery dying.

Tears stream down Hope's face as she watches the last time she saw you before you died. Klaus did everything he could to stay strong for his daughter and comfort her by mumbling a few 'it's okay'.

"Dad can we still make videos?"

He looks down at his daughter and sees the same light of passion you had when convincing him to film. And in that moment he decided that this could be a way to remember and honor you.

"Of course."

Two tears stream down your face as you watch the moment from the other side. You smile sadly knowing that you broke your promise but also knowing that Hope is in good hands and that all of you would be reunited someday.

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