Chapter 3

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Legolas POV ~

I looked around the room, my eyes searching for Emerin. My father wouldn't think anything of it if I spoke with her, right? I don't know what he would do if he knew that I found out about Emerin. There! I saw her. At the same moment, she looked over at me. As we made eye contact, she seemed to freeze. I started to make my way over to her, wading through the crowd. She looked absolutely stunning. The dress she wore must have been a gift from someone. Where else would she get it. It seemed fairly new, this must be the first time she's wearing it. Perhaps my father gave it to her, so that she had something to where whenever she came to his parties and feasts.

I finally reached her. Her long, wavy hair flowed down to her waist. Her dress trailed behind her. I looked up into her eyes that looked almost golden in the candle-light,

"You look... amazing!" my voice turned into a whisper at that last part,

She seemed shocked that I thought so, "Really? Why, thank you my Lord,"

I tried to seem as charming as her, "So, how do you like the feast? Are you enjoying yourself?"

"It's wonderful. The stars are so bright!" She looked up at the stars, she had an expression of wonder and excitement. I couldn't help but stare at her.

Even now, I thought of Tauriel. I had felt so sure that I was in love with her. However, right now, looking at Emerin, I realized that what I felt for Tauriel couldn't have been a love as strong as this. Did Emerin feel the same? I wonder how she would protect me if something were to happen right know. It doesn't seem like she has any weapons, As the thought crossed my mind, I saw the glint of a dagger that seemed to be strapped to her thigh, mostly covered by her dress. Is that the dagger that the dwarf gave her? The thought was upsetting. When I got a better look at it, I realized it was. Did she like the dwarf?

She looked back at me. I think she noticed my upset expression, she followed my gaze to her dagger, and a flash of realization came across her face, "I thought it was a pretty dagger. I do not take any liking to dwarves. However, they are known for being skilled craftsmen, and their weapons are quite formidable." She looked back towards my face with a sorry expression,

"No, no, it's alright, I was just observing it." I tried to lie. She seemed to see right through me,

"well I am hungry. I'm going to see what there is." She quickly walked away. Even though she seemed to be deciding what to eat, she was looking at me and my surroundings, probably assessing threats. She grabbed a small truffle, and delicately took a bite out of it.

I wonder where Tauriel is. I thought she was coming to the feast tonight. I started towards the exit. When I looked back to see that Emerin had disappeared. I walked down and as I was walking through the castle, I saw a figure near the cells. It was Tauriel. She was talking with one of the dwarves. I silently walked down and listened in on what they were saying,

"I saw a firemoon once." The dwarf started talking, "It rose over the pass near Dunland, huge! Red and gold it was, it filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants..."

I saw a shadow pass near me, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Emerin, now fully dressed in her guard uniform, looking at me with a sympathy. She must have seen the pained expression on my face. I may be in love with Emerin but I still had some feelings for Tauriel. Tauriel was looking at the dwarf in a way that she had never looked at me. She seemed to be in love.

I walked away, with Emerin following me, like a shadow. I went to my chambers. I quickly closed the door. A few tears escaped from my eyes. I didn't want Emerin to see me cry. At least, not again. I felt a slight breeze and looked to my side, and there she was. She did not speak. She just wrapped her arm around me, and rubbed by shoulder, comforting me. We sat like this for a few minutes. When I was done crying, I looked back up at her. My vision was blurry with tears, but I think I saw a single tear roll down Emerin's cheek. She seemed to be so impacted by others emotions.

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