Chapter 15

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In Isenguard

3rd Person~

"Do you know how Orcs first came into being?" The wizard, Saruman, asked an orc in his chambers, 

The Orc growled,

"They were elves once. Taken by the dark powers... tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible  form of life." Saruman circled the Uruk, "And now... perfected. My fighting Uruk-hai... whom do you serve?" The Wizard asked the orc.

The Uruk growled, "Saruman!"


After much preparation, Saruman gave the head orc orders, "One of the Halflings carries something of great value. Bring them to me alive and unspoiled." 

The orc growled in understanding,

"As well as a certain she-elf that travels with the group." The wizard thought of how the power from that elleth would please Saruman, "Kill the others."


Emerin POV~

As we prepared to leave Lothloreian, Galadriel presented us with parting gifts. I watched as she handed Legolas an elegant bow,

"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

Legolas stared at the bow in awe.

Next, she walked over to me, and revealed a beautiful, long sword, with intricate patterns engraved in the sword, with gold patterns on the hilt. It was light in my hand, and perfectly sharp. When I looked closely, I could see diamonds the size of specks of dust trailing along the back of the sword,

"For you, Emerin, I give you a sword that was more recently made, fashioned for you yourself. It is light, and easy to travel with. Use it well." Galadriel handed me its sheath, and smiled, continuing on. She gave everyone their gifts, I was to transfixed on the sword. Fashioned for me? It did seem fitting for me.

When we were all getting onto the boats, as I helped Gimli in, I saw Legolas say something about the Lembas to Merry and Pippin. I chuckled.

Legolas eventually came into the boat. I sat in between Legolas and Gimli. We followed Aragorns boat, and rowed non-stop. When the first night came, we stopped for the hobbits sake, as well as for our own. Legolas and I took the first watch.

As I sat there, looking at the stars, I felt an arm wrap around me,

"Look at the stars. I do not believe that anything on this earth could match there beauty. They are able to shine as bright as the moon in a time so dark." I looked at the glittering night sky,

"I need not look at the stars to witness such beauty, when you sit beside me." Legolas whispered into my ear, causing me to smile. 

I turned my head so I was facing him. His face was only an inches from mine. I leaned until there was only about one inch between us, "I love you," I whispered, so quietly that I barely heard myself say it. Before I could close the space between us,  Legolas leaned in, his soft lips touching mine. It started as a light touching of our lips, and grew into a more passionate kiss. My eyes were closed ever so lightly. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. At last, I pulled away, opening my eyes to see Legolas smile,

"I love you too," He said quietly.


We had left early in the morning, and had been rowing all day. At last, I saw the Argonath. We stopped our boats at the shore,

"We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot." Aragorn informed us, "We approach Mordor from the North,"

"Oh yes?" Gimli piped up, "Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil. An impassible labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that it get's even better. Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see."

"That is our road." Aragorn stated simply, "I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf."

"Recover my- " Gimli stammered.

Legolas walked over to Aragorn with me on his heels, "We should leave now."

"No." Aragorn responded. Legolas and I, being elves, had a better sense, and I did not doubt that Legolas was getting the same unnerving feeling as I. "Orcs patrol the Eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness." 

"It is not the Eastern shore that worries me." Legolas looked around worriedly, "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near, I can feel it," he finished,

"As do I," I agreed with Legolas. It was not safe here.

"Where's Frodo?" I heard Merry ask. I turned to look at him, and noticed that Boromir was gone as well. Strange.


After Aragorn had gone to find Frodo, we waited for some time, until we heard battle cries.

"Aragorn is in battle!" I alerted Legolas and Gimli. The three of us ran towards where we could hear the grunting of orcs. I unsheathed my new sword and swung it around a few times, and then ran into the horde of orcs, slicing through each one of them, one by one. I switched between using my sword, and shooting my bow. I saw more orcs deeper in the woods, and ran off to kill those as well. I would re-join Legolas and the others later. 

I swung my sword, killing many orcs. I heard a horn blow. Boromir! I tried to run in that general direction, hoping to aid Boromir. By the time I had reached him, he had two arrows embedded in his chest. Before I could intervene, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, and the world around me started to go black,

"Boromir!" I cried, before I was taken by darkness.

Legolas POV~

After we had finished killing many of the orcs, I saw Aragorn kneeling beside Boromir, who was... dead,

"They took Pippin and Merry..." Aragorn spoke silently, "They took Emerin as well."


The world around me began to spin, my thoughts colliding with one another

What did they want with her? Were they going to hurt her? I could not bear to think of all the different things that could happen to her.

After we had given Boromir a proper funeral, sending him down the river, we prepared to leave.


I know, short chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Please comment, follow and please vote.

Thank you,


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