The Wedding Night

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Hello everyone, I know that I had said I was going to start a new fanfic, but I didn't really like it, and I lost interest (I know it makes me sound lazy). I feel like my ideas aren't very exciting, so here's the deal. I'm gonna have a competition of sorts where you guys comment ur ideas for a new fanfic, and I will choose the best one for my next story. In the next story I will tag the winner and give them the credit they deserve for providing me with the idea. You can be as brief or as detailed as you'd like. Right now, Idk when I'll choose the winner cuz not a lot of ppl comment, so I'll decide once I have 50 comments. 

But anyways, I thought that I should add some snippets of Legolas and Emerin's married life, starting with their wedding night (hehe). Be prepared for the spice. If you are not comfortable with very intimate scenes, I suggest not reading because this is gonna go into much more detail than in any of the other intimate scenes that I've written in this story. Now,

Sit back...


and Enjoy

Legolas POV~

After the ceremony and the festivities, the palace began to empty as our many guests began to retire for the night. Emerin and I waited together until there was no one left.

Which was quite some time.

My eagerness to spend the evening alone with my hervess only continued to grow. At long last, we were left alone. The festivities had gone on all throughout our wedding night, through the day after that, and now, the evening after our marriage.

I glanced over at Emerin, who was glowing, and still looked stunning after nearly 24 hours of dancing and celebrating. I could not help but smile as I gazed at her. She smiled back at me. I held out my hand to her as I said,

"Melleth nin, would you like to join me in our new quarters?" A smirk played on my lips, and a similar one tugged at the ends of her marvelous lips,

"I think I will, melleth nin." She replied as she took my outstretched hand.

I led her up the many stairs, and along the countless hallways until we reached our new chambers. I opened the door for her and she lightly removed her hand from mine and drifted inside. I followed her and turned to close the door. I had barely begun to turn around when I noticed her facing me from the middle of the large room. Her head was slightly lowered and she looked at me through her thick lashes. I knew the look she was giving me, and my arousal did not go unnoticed. She smiled slightly as her eyes wandered, taking in every part of me.

"Legolas." Her voice was smooth and calm, along with some other hint of something. It sent chills  throughout my body. "I cannot reach the buttons on the back of my dress, would you help me remove it?" Her voice was low and alluring. I did not think as I approached her. She smiled as she turned her back to me and moved the hair away from her back, exposing her beautiful neck. I swallowed hard as I unbuttoned her gown. Once I was finished, I took a step back. Without turning, Emerin tugged the neckline of her dress that was above her shoulders, and removed one arm. Next, she removed the other. She stepped out of the dress to reveal delicately laced, white undergarments. I bit my lip, trying not to reach out and remove the clothing she wore.

She turned her head towards me slightly and smirked. My breathing became labored as I watched her stalk towards me, like a predator circling it's prey. That was how I felt. She was in control of me. No words were spoken as she tore off my tunic with immense strength, and pushed me against the wall. Her hand roamed my upper body, tracing every part of it. Her right hand went up my neck, and she held my chin between her thumb and pointer finger. Emerin leaned in and kissed the nape of my neck, then planted rough kisses along my jawline. She trialed down my neck, and placed her forehead against my chest. She began to unbutton my pants and pulled them down. She stepped back and I stepped out of them.

She knew how in control she was, however, our roles would soon be switched.

Emerin POV~

I stepped back and Legolas stepped out of his pants. I smiled at him slightly. In truth, I was desperately trying to hold myself back. I wanted him to be the first to cave. But as I stood there, a new gleam showed in Legolas' eyes, and I knew that I was no longer in control. 

"Emerin." He growled my name and I clenched my jaw. He took quick and long strides towards me and before I could move, he had me under his grasp. He roughly kissed me, and held me in place as he began to roam my body with his rough hands. He led me towards the large bed that was against the wall centered between two windows. He lifted me off the grounding slayed me on the soft linens, and began to tug at the lace of my undergarments. 

"Which should go first..." He said to himself in a low voice. He ran his pointer finger up my stomach sending chills throughout my body. He traced the outline of the top part of my undergarments. Suddenly, I was no longer wearing it, and the delicate lace was crumpled on the floor beside the bed. Legolas looked up at me and smirked slightly. He began to kiss me breasts roughly, and I leaned my head back as the feeling rushed through me. He slowly moved downwards until he reached the bottom half of my undergarments, and removed those as well. 

He pushed himself up and pressed himself against me. I felt his cock by my entrance, and I bit my lip to keep myself from making any noise. I took in a sharp inhale when I felt him suddenly inside of me, and my head tilted further back. The sudden feeling of fullness was a sensation that I would never grow tired of. Legolas began to slowly grind his hips against mine, taunting me slowly. He kissed me deeply, and he began to pick up the pace. His thrusts began to become stronger and faster, and I could feel the climax approaching. 

"Legolas!" I practically begged him to go faster.

I grasped Legolas' shoulders, holding on for any form of sanity as the rush of immense pleasure washed over me. Legolas came soon after and collapsed on top of me. In his moment of weakness, I turned us over so that I was now on top of him. I relished in the look of surprise in his eyes as I began to kiss him all over until I reached the bottom of his waist,

"Are you tired, or would you like me to continue?" I asked him. All I got was a desperate nod from him. I chuckled darkly at his submission. I continued downwards until I reached his cock. I planted light and gentle kisses along it, feeling him shudder with each touch. When I reached the tip, I grazed it lightly with my tongue and circled it. I smiled when I heard a low noise come from deep within his throat. I opened my mouth and felt as his length entered my mouth. I began to apply pressure on his cock, and I felt him writhe beneath me. I first went slow, feeling him with my tongue as I moved my mouth. I was soon met with another low sound, which encouraged me to go faster. 

"Emerin," He moaned my name in want.

I began to apply more and more pressure, even adding my hand, and felt him climax. His breathing was heavy, and I watched as his chest rose and fell. I opened my mouth, letting go of his length, and laid myself beside him.

"I love you," Legolas sighed,

"I love you," I replied.

"Tomorrow," He started, "It's my turn."

I chuckled slightly to myself before I drifted off into the most peaceful sleep I had ever had.


I really hope that I did a good job, and that you guys liked it.

Thank you so much for reading,

-J <3

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