In the Dark of the Night

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Did not have a good name for this chapter lol. Just warning you guys, this is going to be very smutty. I'm gonna try to put my all in this, and it's gonna get a bit crazy so j letting yk. Also j letting yk I wrote this on my phone and I'll prob go over it later on my computer so excuse any misspellings. If you're uncomfortable with this then don't read this chapter. Also, Idrk what terms they use in middle earth when doing stuff so don't come at me for accuracy lmao. Anyways, enjoy 😏

Emerin POV~

I had been waiting for an hour now. Legolas was finishing up some sort of Princely business when I finished all of my work. I had gone to our joint chambers and had started a bath. Our new chambers were incredibly lavish. Our bed had thin curtains draping the sides, which blew in the wind that came out of the balcony that looked out onto the deep forest. The bathing room was personally my favorite part. After many months, it was finally perfect. While we had already had a bath and mirrors and all the average things one would need, there was one specific feature that had at last been added. Behind another set of closed doors, was a chamber with a bath in it the size of a small pond (A/N guys j imagine a pool Alr) which beneath it, had some form of sorcery which heated it when wished. The room was dimly lit, and it was all made of stone.
I had not allowed Legolas to know what I had been working on all these months, and today I was going to show him.

I had already bathed and cleaned myself, and wore only my thin silk robe. I heard Legolas's footsteps nearing our chambers. I closed the doors to my masterpiece and went into the main room.

Legolas walked in. His eyes immediately widened slightly when he looked at me, and a small smirk played on his lips,
"I hope you're not too tired, Legolas, I have a small surprise waiting for you." I said as I stepped towards him.

He swallowed, his cheeks blushing slightly, "Do you? It's best we don't waste time then,"
I smirked. I immediately felt my senses heighten by tenfold. Legolas took quick strides towards me and grabbed my chin. His eyes filled with list as he crashed his lips into mine, kissing me roughly.

He wasn't lying about not waisting time. He began to tear off his close, all while continuing to kiss me and backed me up against a wall. He pressed up against me, and I felt him harden against me. His kisses elicited a soft moan from me. Legolas stopped and smiled. He began to kiss me neck, trailing down until he reached my robe. As he was about to tear it off, I stopped him,

"Wait. Not yet." I slightly panted, "follow me," I smiled. I took his hand and brought him towards the doors which led to my surprise,
   "At last, you're going to show me whatever it is you've been doing. It's not a room for a child is it?" He suddenly asked, alarmed,
"No, no!" I exclaimed, laughing, "you're about to see."
I opened the doors and heard Legolas slightly gasp. "Interesting. Shall we?" Legolas looked towards me,
"You first." I said and looked him up and down.
Legolas said nothing as he tore off his clothes.
Then, I took off my robe. Legolas took in every inch of me, as if it was yet again, the first time he was seeing me like this.
I passed by him, swaying my hips as I made my way to the edge of the bath. I took a look back at him, before diving in.
When I resurfaced, Legolas was looking down at me.
"Get in," I ordered, smiling widely.

Legolas then dived over me, and into the clear water. He swam up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me up close to him. I could feel his cock rubbing against my sensitive center. Legolas kissed me, and his hands roamed around my body. One grabbed my ass while the other began to touch my breasts. He then extended one finger and trailed it down my stomach, until it reached exactly where I wanted him. He began to rub me, and I moaned. Legolas pushed me into the built in ledge which could serve as a seat. I pushed my self up and sat down. Legolas climbed on top of me. Sitting here, the water was only up to my waist. Legolas leaned onto me and in one swift motion, pushed himself into me. I nearly saw stars when he was fully inside of me. He began to thrust into me slowly. I threw my head back and closed my eyes.
"It's been a while since I've seen you like this. Tell me, Emerin, how long were you waiting in our chambers in that robe? How long were you waiting till I'd return so that I could fuck you?"
I said nothing in response, only a small moan echoed through the chamber.
"How should I make love to you tonight? Should I fuck you so hard that you see stars and so that you can't walk for days? Or should I go slow?"

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