Chapter 16

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Emerin POV~

I woke up, my head filled with a searing pain. My eyes were barely open and I could hear voices. Orc voices. I heard Pippin screaming, and suddenly, I was wide awake. I realized my hands were bound around an orcs neck. He was running while carrying me. I looked over too see Merry covered in a dark liquid, and hear Pippin shout again,

"Leave him alone!"

"Why you want some? huh? The keep your mouth shut." The orc pointed at Pippin. I tried to find my voice, to do something to help Pippin and Merry, but I couldn't,

"Merry!" pippin whispered,

"Hello Pip," Merry said groggily,

"You're hurt!" Pippin observed the wound on Merry's head,

"I'm fine. It was just an act." Merry smiled,

"An act?" Pippin questioned,

"See, I fooled you too." merry continued to weakly smile.

I tried to form words but all that came out was a pained groan. Pippin and Merry looked at me,

"Emerin! Are you alright?" Pippin looked at me worriedly,

"I'm fine." I barely managed to say.

The orcs began to speak again,

"What is it? What do you smell?" One growled at the other,

"Man flesh." The other one replied,

"They've picked up our trail! Let's move!"

As I saw Pippin struggle to remove a pin from his cloak, I caught on to his plan. I didn't have anything with me small enough to leave behind without the orcs noticing. I just hoped that Pippin's plan would work.

Legolas POV~

"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our sent." Aragorn mumbled, and stood up, "Hurry!" He beckoned for Gimli and I to move faster,

"Come on Gimli!" I shouted over to Gimli. I couldn't stand another moment not knowing wether or not Emerin was alright or not,

"Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry, but what bare rock can tell." I heard Gimli grumble.

As we ran across the vast planes, I felt an energy in me that I normally didn't have. At one point, we came across a small valley, where Aragorn bent down to pick something up. When I came by him to see what it was, I realized that it was a brooch from the cloaks we had received from Lothloreian,

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." Aragorn said, observing the brooch.

A newfound hope flooded through me, "They may yet be alive."

"Less than a day ahead of us. Come." Aragorn and I began to run again,

"Come Gimli! We're gaining on them!" I shouted in motivation,

"I'm waisted on cross country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances." I heard Gimli panting as he tried to catch up.

As I climbed up a plateau of rock, Aragorn followed, looking over the land in front of us, "Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords. Theres something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us." As he was speaking, I ran ahead, trying to get a better view, "Legolas! What do your Elf eyes see?" Aragorn shouted over to me,

I looked ahead, "The Uruks turn North-East! They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"(cue music lol) I shouted back to him. 

"Saruman," Aragorn said to himself.

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