Chapter 6

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All of a sudden, an army made it's way out of the fortress. Huge bats were flying overhead,

"Those bats are bred for only one purpose," Legolas said as they flew past us,

"For what?" I asked,

"War..." He looked into my eyes, "We must warn the others!" 

We all got up, and started towards our horses. I mounted the horse with Legolas, and Tauriel mounted her's,

"We may already be too late," She whispered.

At that we rode toward Erebor as fast as our horses would take us.


At last, we reached Dale. Gandalf was here as well,

"Gandalf!" Legolas walked up to the old wizard,

"Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf exclaimed,

"Gandalf, there is another army coming this way from Gundabad!" I said out of breath.

Gandalf's face seemed to darken, "So this was their plan all along..."

He walked towards King Thranduil. The king must have wanted to fight the dwarves before all of this happened. They seemed to be discussing something when a small... hobbit? a small hobbit offered to go and warn the dwarves who were nearby where the next army was attacking from. I looked over and saw that Tauriel had realized that Kili was up there as well. She walked towards the king. What was she doing? She pointed her bow at him. She was saying something, I could barely hear anything with all the screams and war cries. Thranduil seemed angry. He broke her bow and pointed his sword at her, "You think what you feel for that dwarf is real? Are you ready to die for it?" I heard him say. 

I started towards them, to defend Tauriel, but Legolas reached them first,

"If you harm her, you would have to kill me as well," He looked his father dead in the eye.

Thranduil seemed shocked. I continued towards them, and reached Legolas. Legolas looked at me then to Tauriel,

"I will go with you Tauriel," He looked back to me,

"As will I," I said then shot a quick glance to the king. He nodded in approval.

The three of us made our way up to the frozen, broken down place. The dwarves already seemed to be fighting. Tauriel went off to find Kili. A sudden thought came to my mind. Where was Fili? The blonde dwarf. I looked at Legolas. I shouldn't leave him, Fili isn't even that important. But it would settle my heart if I could just see if he was alright, "I'll be right back," I tell Legolas. He nods, and I start sprinting into the building.

"Fili? Fili, are you there?" I asked. I started to kill orcs as I made my way around the long hallways, and through the frozen over rooms. There was one place where there weren't many orcs. And then I saw him. Lying on the ground, a pool of blood around him. No. I ran to him and kneeled down beside him. I laid his head on my lap and stroked his hair. I lightly shut his eyes, and hummed along to the rhythm of a lullaby that my mother had sung to me before she was slain in battle,

"Hhmmmmhmhm, hhhmmmmmhmhm, hmmmmhmmhmhmmm," I hummed along. I closed my eyes and let a small tear roll down my cheek. I had not truly known Fili, but I had seen his joking, and caring personality. His brother would be destroyed without him. He was still so young. I finished humming, and laid his head back on the ground, and kissed his forehead, "Be at peace" I said in elvish.

I walked away, and looked for where Legolas might be. There! I saw that Legolas was on a troll, knocking down a tower to... form a bridge? He started walking on it, and then I saw where he was going. The big pale orc that had almost killed him was also walking on the "bridge" and they started to fight. I ran towards them. I ran as fast as my feet would go. Only a single word in my head drove me to run so fast, Legolas

Legolas POV~

As I walked towards the huge orc on my makeshift bridge, I heard a small voice crying out to me,

"Legolas! Don't!" Emerin called.

I couldn't have her be trying to fight this orc as well. He would kill her. This drove me to advance on the orc, hoping to kill him before Emerin could reach me. As I was fighting him, I threw him onto the second level of the tower. Rocks fell onto him. I looked up to see Thorin Oakenshield lying on the edge with an orc about to strike him. I looked at the sword in my hand, and threw it at the orc, killing it. I turned around to see the huge orc had come out of the stone. He pulled me down with him. I kept trying to stab him, and he blocked each of my blows. At one point, the stones under me started to collapse. I walked on each falling stone until I reached the top. We continued to fight, blocking each others blows constantly.

Out of nowhere, the orc was shoved all the way across from me. He was dangling off the bridge, but was almost back on. When I looked to see who had done that, someone flew forward and shoved me into the stone of the mountain, now off of the bridge. I finally got a good look at my attacker. Emerin,

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

She grabbed a dagger of hers, and shoved it into the stone beside me. Was she trying to kill me? When I looked over to her dagger, it was deep in the rock. Something was attached to it. A leather rope. When I looked to see what the rope led to, I realized that it was attached to me. How had she done all this so fast? Oh no. She's trying to keep me from helping her. I looked into her eyes,

"Please Emerin..." I saw that the orc had gotten up and was slowly making his way toward us.

Emerin had noticed this as well. She turned to me. Her hands were pressed against my chest, holding me there. She gazed into my eyes fiercely. I could feel her breath on my face, as she was panting from running so fast. Her face was just an inch away from mine. Her brow was furrowed. Her pale pink lips were slightly open. I could barely move. She leaned in, gently pressing her forehead to mine. She closed her eyes, and whispered,

"I love you,"

She pushed off of me, and ran towards the orc. I tried to pull the dagger out of the stone. I struggled against it, straining to get to her...

Emerin POV~

As I ran towards the huge pale orc, I thought of Legolas. I thought of how much I loved him. I couldn't let him die. I stared into the orcs eyes, glaring at him...


Ugh, I love the romance at the end of this chapter. I hope you guys love it too. Don't forget to VOTE, comment, and follow. The more votes I get, the more often I'll be updating.



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