Chapter 17

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Emerin POV~

As we slowly walked into the dark forest, I could hear the trees speaking. We walked in a single file, Aragorn in the front, Gimli behind him, then Legolas and I, as we searched for any more signs of the Hobbits presence. I heard Gimli spit,

"Orc blood!"

We continued to walk, jumping across a small stream,

"These are strange tracks." Aragorn was kneeling down, observing the dirt,

"The air is so close in here!" Gimli complained,

"This forest is old... Very old." Legolas observed, "full of memory... and anger." The trees began to groan with rage, "The trees are speaking to each other!"

We all turned to Gimli, who was holding up his ax in defense, "Gimli! Lower your ax!" I whispered to him,

"They have feelings, my friend." Legolas explained to the confused Dwarf, "The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak."

"Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about?" Gimli asked, frustrated, "Except the consistency on squirrel droppings."

As we continued to walk, I felt something. Something was here,

"Aragorn, Something is out there." Legolas warned,

"What do you see?" Aragorn asked,

"The White Wizard approaches." He nodded for us to get ready to fight,

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us." Aragorn said quietly. He grabbed the hilt of his sword. I readied my daggers in both hands, "We must be quick." Aragorn commanded.

After a moment, we all turned, preparing to kill Saruman. I watched as Legolas' arrow flew away from the direction he had shot it in. I threw one of my daggers at the glowing, white, light. It flew towards my head, and I ducked out of the way just in time.


Legolas POV~

After Gandalf had revealed himself to us, we exited the forest, and were now on an open field. We had decided that we would be going to Edoras. Gandalf began to whistle, and I saw an elegant, white horse, ride towards us. I was awestruck, "That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell." I stated.

The horse rode up to us. It was beautiful. Its mane was of pure white, and it seemed to have come from the heavens themselves,

"Shadowfax," Gandalf stated, "He is the Lord of all Horses. And has been my friend through many dangers." We all re-mounted our horses and rode with haste towards Edoras.


We had stopped for the night and set camp upon a hill. As it began to darken, Gimli and I started a small fire. Emerin was looking for any useful herbs that she could carry along with her,

"Legolas! Look! Athelas!" She exclaimed as she showed me the useful herb, "This will be of great use, should we encounter any poisoned blades." 

"Yes, very handy a thing to have with ya, laddie!" Gimli huffed as he set down some more firewood. As it darkened, Gimli soon fell asleep, and Aragorn and Gandalf were deep in conversation. As I laid on the grass, I felt something near me. I turned my head to see Emerin curled up in a ball. She must've felt my stare, for she looked at me and smiled. She crawled closer to me, until she was right beside me. I wrapped an arm over her protectively, and fell asleep.


We had been riding for nearly five days when we finally reached Edoras. As we looked upon the kingdom, Gandalf began to speak,

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