Chapter 24

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Emerin POV~

Days after Gandalf and Pippin had departed from Edoras, I had been in the stables, washing Arod, when I noticed Aragorn running along the path. I peeked my head out of the stables, "Aragorn, what is the matter?" I asked. He only motioned for me to follow him. I broke into a sprint, chasing after him. When we reached the palace doors, Aragorn threw them open as he ran into the throne room, 

"The beacons of Minas Tirith!" He cried out. Everyone looked at him, "The beacons are lit!" The king looked up from the maps he had been observing, "Gondor calls for aid!" Aragorn panted, out of breath. The king stood silent. I noticed Eowyn appear. Everyone looked to the king, waiting for his response,

"And Rohan will answer," He spoke loudly, his voice echoing throughout the halls, "Muster the Rohirim!" He ordered. Everyone began to run around, beginning preparations for the battle ahead. Amongst all of the noise and chaos, I found myself at Aragorn side,

"Gondor will succeed. Sauron's forces will fall upon our blades. Do not worry, your friends are at your side." I assured him. He looked at me gratefully,

"I am honored to fight along-side you, mellon." He smiled, and went to gather his things. I too made my way throughout the crowded halls, and found my things. I had few belongings that I had bothered to burden myself with. I sheathed my sword and daggers, slund my bow and quiver over my shoulder and strapped them tightly across my chest. I gathered my small satchels of herbs and my flask of water. I made my way outside, and back to the stables, where I saw Legolas putting on Arod's saddle. He mounted Arod, and turned to me,

"Care to join me?" He extended an arm to me,

"I would." I smiled widely, and took his hand. He lifted me up onto the horse, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a small hug, before letting go. We rode outside, where I looked upon the hundreds of men, readying for war. Gimli too, was on a horse. I assumed that Aragorn would soon be riding with him,

"Horse men." Gimli grumbled, "I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves." Legolas and I turned our attention to the Dwarf, "fully armed and filthy!" He added.

Legolas stared off into the distance, "Your kinsmen have no need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their own lands." I looked down. I knew that Legolas also referred to Mirkwood, our home, where wars were waging across our lands. I could only hope that our people would prevail. Aragorn appeared beside us, and mounted in front of Gimli,

"Now is the hour," I heard Eomer speak, "Riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken! Now, fulfill them all, to Lord and Land!" We all began to ride with speed, leaving the gates of Edoras behind us. 


After long hours of riding, we reached our encampment. Many men stood before us as we rode in. We rode to the top of a steep cliff, where we were to make camp. When we reached the top, I swung myself off of Arod. I took a moment to savor the feeling of my feet on the ground. There were thousands of men preparing for battle, but I was not ignorant to the fact that we had less then half of the amount of riders we needed so desperately. I noticed how the horses were restless in the wake of the mountain pass that was near. I too, felt a slight chill in the air. Something that felt amiss. I walked alongside Legolas and Gimli through the camp, "The horses are restless," Legolas stated, "And the men are quiet."

Eomer turned to face us, "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." He looked over to the dark, towering mountain, 

"That road there..." Gimli started, "Where does that lead?" He finished,

"It is the road to the Dimholt," Legolas began to answer, "The door under the mountain."

Eomer looked at us nervously, "None who venture there ever return... that mountain is evil." He then gave us one final glance, and left.


That evening, I slept dreadfully. I sat outside beside Gimli. I dozed off as he rambled on about war, "Ah! look who decided to join us!" he spoke cheerfully. I did not bother to open my eyes,

"Is she asleep?" I heard Legolas' soft voice whisper. I felt Gimli's gaze turn to me,

"Aye, I believe so. Here I am, rambling on and on, wondering why she isn't taking part in the lovely conversation I believed we were having." 

I held in a chuckle,

"Just where do you think you're off to?" I heard Gimli shout. My eyes shot open, and noticed Aragorn leading his horse away,

"Not this time," Aragorn said softly, "This time you must stay Gimli," I noticed Legolas come up from behind Aragorn with Arod,

"Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of Dwarves?" He jeered,

"You might as well accept it." I spoke, a laugh in my words, "We're going with you, mellon."

Aragorn smiled, defeated.


I know, short chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a lot of school work lately. Don't forget to VOTE, and COMMENT!

Love you guys,


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