Chapter 9

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Emerin POV~

The sun had barely begun to rise when we set off again. We rode for hours, only ever stopping once because the horses could only run so far so fast. After that we didn't stop until midnight. I spent extra care grooming my horse, Ethuil. Her hair was a light amber, and her mane seemed to be made of silk. I had always loved her dearly. I relieved her of her heavy saddle, and allowed her to rest. I took out a piece of parchment and a piece of charcoal. I began to sketch Ethuil while she rested,

"I did not know you took to the arts as well," Legolas came up from behind me. I was nearly finished, just adding some details,

"Your work it beautiful! Perhaps one day... you could sketch me." He said jokingly,

"Perhaps. I would have to wait until the perfect moment however. Perhaps when you get your hair in a twist and need my help. I would want to savor that moment forever." I laughed along with him.

He continued to watch me as I finished my sketch. I rolled up the parchment and put it into my saddlebag.


A few hours later, we set out yet again. We would reach Rivendell in the afternoon.

Legolas rode next to me, "Let us race, and see who will reach Rivendell first!"

I looked at him and smiled, "We start in three..."

"Two..." He looked ahead,

"One!" We shouted at the same time.

"Northa Ethuil,"(Run) I whispered into Ethuils ear. She immediately picked up speed.

Legolas and I were both going at the same speed, every minute a different person ahead of the other. I saw Rivendell ahead of us. It was beautiful! I pushed Ethuil to ride faster. All of a sudden we passed right by Legolas. I was beating him by a few hundred yards now. I looked back to see him staring in disbelief, but not faltering.

At last, we reached the courtyard. I had beat Legolas by a few moments. I dismounted my horse, as did he. We both stared in awe at the serene and beautiful buildings, waterfalls, courtyards and things that I did not know the name of. Legolas appeared beside me,

"good game, but next time, I shall beat you." He smiled at me. I tore my eyes off of the gorgeous scenery, and looked upon Legolas. My breathing stopped as I looked into his blue eyes that were no less eye-catching than the waterfalls that surrounded us. We stood there for a few moments, our eyes locked,

"Nin hir, next time, tell us that you will be leaving us behind," The other two ambassadors had caught up,

"Yes, I will not forget again." Legolas nodded his head.


We were all sitting at the counsel of Elrond. I looked at the dwarves and men that surrounded us.,

"Strangers from distant lands..." Lord Elrond began to speak, "Friends of old. You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." His gaze turned to a small hobbit that I had not noticed, "Bring forth the ring... Frodo,"

The hobbit, Frodo, rose from his seat and walked towards a pedestal and set down a small, golden ring,

"So it is true," A ginger haired man looked at the ring. As I looked at Legolas, he too was looking at the ring, not parting his gaze from it.

The ginger haired man stood up, "In a dream, I saw the Eastern sky grow dark, but in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: Your doom is near at hand. Isildurs bane is found." He walked towards the ring, reaching for it, "Isildurs bane..." 

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