Chapter 20

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Emerin POV~

We rode out into battle. The women and children were escaping, heading towards Helms Deep. Legolas sat in front of me, shooting the wargs with his bow. I pulled out mine as well and began to kill them one by one. There were many of them, and they had already killed many of the men who were fighting. I pulled out my sword now, because soon we would be fighting closely, and a sword was the better option. I swung my sword, sweeping through orcs and wargs alike. Killing as I went. I noticed that Gimli had fallen off of his horse. I quickly pulled myself up so that I was standing on top of the saddle, so that I had a better view of what was going on. Legolas quickly glanced at me to see what I was doing. I pulled out my bow, and began to shoot down the wargs that were still heading our way. I had killed around 18 wargs so far, along with the goblins that were riding them. Then, my foot slipped. I went tumbling off of Arod, grunting as I landed on my side. I quickly put my bow away and drew my daggers. I sliced through the goblins that came my way, blood splattering my face. Soon enough, there were only a few wargs left, and they were scampering away. I walked over to where Legolas stood with Gimli,

"Aragorn!" Gimli called out. Where was Aragorn? I looked around, but didn't see him anywhere. I heard a wretched sound, and turned to see that it was a dying goblin. It was laughing... at us? The three of us walked towards it. Gimli raised his axe to it's throat,

"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!" He commanded the laughing Goblin, 

"He's..." The Goblin coughed out blood, "Dead!" He continued his antagonizing laughing, "He took a little tumble off the cliff!"

Legolas kneeled down and grabbed the goblins shirt, pulling him up, "You lie!" He accuses. The goblin continues to laugh, sputtering out more blood, then dies. Legolas let's go. Something catches my eye in the goblins hand. Before I say anything, Legolas, notices it as well, and pulls it out of the creatures grasp. It was the Evenstar. The gift from Arwen to Aragorn. Legolas stares at it in disbelief. He get's up, with me following close behind, and walks towards the edge of the cliff. I stare down at the raging river below. A pang of despair hits me. I see Legolas' eyes begin to tear up. I take a step closer to him. Theoden stands there as well,

"Get the wounded on horses, the wolves of Isengard will return." He tells someone behind us, "Leave the dead." at this, I look at Theoden, tears stinging the corners of my eyes. I could not bear to go. I had grown fond of Aragorn while on this journey. And I knew how close he and Legolas were. Theoden puts a hand on Legolas' shoulder, to comfort him, "Come."

Theoden leaves us. I wrap an arm around Legolas. He leans his head on my shoulder. I took my free hand and began to stroke his hair. After a few long moments, Legolas pulls his head up, not looking to anyone on particular, but directing his words to Gimli and I, "We should go." He states quietly. I nod my head in agreement, and the three of us walk away from the plateau.


At last we had reached Helms Deep. Legolas, Gimli and I weaved our way through the crowded place. It broke my heart to see all of these helpless people crowded in one place, with nothing to do but wait for death to come and claim them. Like sheep before the slaughter. Gimli strayed from Legolas and I and walked towards Eowyn. I could not bear to listen to him tell her that Aragorn was dead. I could see the way she had looked at Aragorn, and I knew she loved him dearly.

I turn to Legolas, "Are you alright?" I ask quietly, already knowing the answer. He nods his head, "I'm fine." I can see right through him. I wrap both my arms around him. I feel him bury his head into my shoulder, silently weeping. We stay like that for a few minutes. Eventually, we joined Gimli in one of the large halls, nearby where the king's throne was. We were sitting beside each other, Gimli snoring, and Legolas and I staring at the walls in silence. 

"You need rest." I tell him. He doesn't even attempt to argue. He lies down beside me, and closes his eyes. I sit there for a long time, watching his chest rise and fall as he took in long, deep breaths. I realized that Gimli had stopped snoring, "Your awake."

"Aye." He stood up and stretched, "I'm going to see what's going on. I hear some ruckus coming from out there." I had heard it as well, but I did not have the heart to leave Legolas' side. Gimli left, and soon after, Legolas awoke,

"Where's Gimli?" He asked,

"Something was happening outside, he went to see what it was." I explained. Legolas nodded his head and stood up,

"Well then let's go and see what all the fuss is about."


We were outside, pushing through the crowd, when a familiar face appeared before us. Aragorn. He was in such a rush, that he did not see us at first, until Legolas stopped him. I looked at Aragorn, taking in his battered and bruised face. Blood covered him. He had certainly gone through many trials on his way back. 

"You're late." Legolas stated. Aragorn began to chuckle, "you look terrible." Legolas eyed him up and down. Aragorn continued to laugh,

"Aragorn thank Eru you have returned to us." I felt grateful that Aragorn was safe. Legolas handed Aragorn the evenstar. A look of recognition and surprise dawned on his face. With that, we entered the kings chambers.


I know, short chapter. Sorry! I hope you guys liked it tho! PLEASE don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!!!



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