Chapter 5

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Emerin POV ~

When we finally got back from following the orcs, lake town had been destroyed. People were scattered all over the shores. It was awful. Legolas and I searched for Tauriel,

"There she is," Legolas pointed to where Tauriel was speaking with the Dwarf Kili. Legolas walked over to her, with me close behind,

"Nin hir Legolas," (My lord) Tauriel realized that we were there,

"Ma hwaro nhao... Bohwe nah degenoh,"(Take your leave of the dwarf... You are needed elsewhere.) Legolas seemed very upset.

The Dwarf went to leave, but quickly came back, placing something in Tauriel hand,

"Keep it... as a promise." He looked up at her, with a caring expression, and left. 

Tauriel opened her palm, revealing a stone rune. She looked out toward the boat that the dwarves were using to reach the mountain,

"We should go now," I said to Legolas,

"Yes, we should," He turned around and walked away. There seemed to be commotion amongst the people. I could hear people shouting,

"Hang him, hang him!"

A ratty looking man seemed to be pleading for his life. I wondered why they wanted him dead. The commotion started to settle down. There was another man who seemed to be their leader. 

Legolas started walking to him, "News of the death of Smaug will have spread through the lands..."

The man stopped walking, "Aye"

"Others will now look to the mountain. For it's wealth... for it's position." Legolas spoke of the evil that was rising, 

The man seemed worried, "What is it you know?"

Legolas looked to the mountain, "Nothing for certain, it's what I fear may come."

Legolas walked back to me. I looked over, and saw Tauriel sitting on a rock, observing all of the chaos.

My gaze turned back to him, "What will we do?"

He sighed, "I suppose we should make our way back to Mirkwood."

"Are you feeling better? The orc threw you around far more than me. He almost killed you!" I tried to look for any visible injuries,

"I'm fine, and he was closer to killing you than I," He looked at nothing in particular, and glared, "I don't know what I would have done, had he killed you." He looked back down to me,

"Well for starters, you would have to save yourself, so that someone could tell the world that I died a valiant and honorable death." I chuckled.

He let out a small smile, looking deep into my eyes. I stopped laughing, and stared back into his piercing blue eyes. I felt the world around me fade away. Nothing existed but him. I suddenly felt the urge to lean in and kiss him. Before I could decide if I should or shouldn't, Legolas leaned forward, and gently kissed me. His lips were so soft. It only lasted for a moment, before our lips parted and he looked into my eyes again. I couldn't find any words to say. I seemed to forget all the different languages that I knew, 

"I love you," He whispered so softly, that had I not been paying such close attention to him, I would have thought it was the wind,

"I-" I was cut off when Tauriel joined us. Had she seen us kiss?

"What did you see when you chased after the orcs?" She asked. She seemed quite clueless as to what had just happened,

"The orc we pursued out of lake town, I realized who he was. He is Bolg, spawn of Azog the Defiler. He bore a mark I had not seen in ages. The mark of Gundabad. An orc stronghold." Legolas was cut off when a few Guards from Mirkwood showed up,

"Nin hir Legolas, keh nehn hweiliath oh ada' nuin. Tah nuin ih dalah neen." (My lord Legolas. I bring word from your father. You are to return to him immediately.)

Legolas turned to us, "Toloh, Tauriel eh Emerin,"(Come)

"Nin hir, Edlennen Tauriel,"(My lord. Tauriel is banished) The guard spoke,

"Edlennen?"(Banished?) Legolas asked, 

"I also bring a private letter for Emerin. The king has issued it to you and only you." The guard handed me a letter. I read it:


I understand that you followed Legolas when he went to go after Tauriel. If Legolas does anything rash, and runs off instead of coming back to me, you are too keep as close to him as possible. The evil is growing. Do not let anything happen to my son. Do whatever you must to protect him.

Thank you,

King Thranduil

I looked up at the guard then to Legolas,

"What does it say?" Legolas asked me,

"It just says to follow you if you run off with Tauriel," I whispered so no one else would hear but Legolas.

He nodded, and looked at the guard, "Go back to my father and tell him that if there is no place for Tauriel, there is no place for me. I see you have another horse with you, I need it." and with that, Legolas went and unhitched the horse from the tether keeping it close to the guards horse, 

"Come, Emerin and Tauriel" He walked over to the other horse that we had ridden out of Laketown with and mounted it, "Emerin, come with me, Tauriel, you can follow us if you'd like with the other horse," He helped me up onto the horse with him. Tauriel walked over to the other horse and mounted it as well. Together, we all set off,

"Where are we going?" I asked,

"We ride north, to Gundabad" He looked back at me.


We finally reached the orc stronghold. The air seemed heavy here. We sat on a ledge, looking for any sign of movement. Tauriel sat further from us. She must've been very upset,

"What lies beyond?" I asked him,

"the ancient kingdom of Angmar. This used to be it's stronghold. They forged their weapons here. It is a fell place, Emerin." 

I saw a light in the stronghold, "I saw a light!" I whispered,

"We wait for the cover of darkness. In another age, our people waged war on these lands..." Legolas seemed to remember something as he said this, "My mother died there... My father does not speak of it. There is no grave, no memory... nothing."

I looked at him, and placed my hand on his shoulder, and pulled him so that I could wrap both my arms around him protectively. I stroked his hair, trying to comfort him. Tauriel looked over. When she saw that Legolas seemed upset, she turned her head to continuing to watch the stronghold.


I know it was a short chapter. I wanted to make sure that I had some sort of romance between Emerin and Legolas during this part before they go into battle. Do you guys like it? Please vote, comment and follow.

You guys are the best!


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