Chapter 26

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Play Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift when told.

also, during the battle, to get in the mood I suggest listening to the song Glory by Friday Pilots Club.

Legolas POV~

After we discussed our plan to help Frodo, I walked Emerin to her quarters. She was given a different one once the healers decided that she no longer required supervision. They said they she had healed surprisingly fast. She was able to walk without wincing, and even run. Although it was unusual for someone to heal so quickly, I thanked whatever force had gifted this manner of luck to Emerin. Although I was opposed to the idea of her going to battle with us, Emerin proved that she could fight, and threatened that if we did not allow her to come, she tear her wound back open to give us a real reason to leave her behind. And with that, she was permitted to come. We would be leaving in the morning, at the first light of day. We walked side by side in silence, until we reached the door to her room, 

"Good night." I said to Emerin as I held the door open for her. She looked at me with a soft smile. "Could you stay with me, for a few moments," She asked, batting her eyelashes. I chuckled lightly, and walked in with her, closing the door behind us. She sat on the large bed that sat in the middle of the room. A large balcony stood before us, and the washroom door was to the left. I watched as Emerin walked to her dresser, and lifted out a silk robe, "Turn around, and close your eyes." She looked at me expectantly. I turned away from her, and pressed my eyes shut. I heard the ruffle of clothes, and then her voice, "Legolas," The way my name left her lips caused my heart to pound in my chest, and sent a shiver through my body. (Play Song)I felt a slight breeze, and felt her presence behind me. Her lips brushed the back of my ear, and her breath as she spoke made me shudder, "Would you like to continue, now that we have the time which we once didn't?" My breath hitched. I felt one of her long, graceful fingers  brush my hair behind my ear. Her hand drifted to my shoulder, and gripped it. She turned me around. My eyes remained closed, my breathing scarce, "Open your eyes," she whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes. Her hair hung loose, spilling over her shoulders like a waterfall. Her white robe was loosely tied closed, exposing the pale skin on her upper chest. Her finger traced my jawline, her eyes looking into mine, "I don't know how much time we have left, so choose. You can stay, or if your not ready..." Her voice trailed. I knew what she meant. We didn't have much time. The next battle would likely be our last,

"I'm ready." My voice was low, nearly a growl. She played with the buttons of my tunic, and hooked her finger around it. She back up towards a wall, pulling me along. She leaned her back to the wall, and dropped her hand. She looked at me, and smirked. The look awoke something inside me. I pressed an arm on the wall beside her head, and leaned in. I pressed my lips to hers. We crashed together. Her lips moving with mine. Her tongue battling mine. The kiss was rough and passionate. My chest rose and fell quickly, as I gasped for air in between each embrace. Emerin dragged her lips down and lightly bit on my lower lip. She tugged gently before resuming our kiss. I used my other hand to grip the back of her neck. Her hands were in my hair, keeping my face close to hers. Her hands moved to my tunic, and she began to unbutton it. When her fingers began to fumble, I broke our kiss to quickly pull off my tunic. Emerin raised a hand and pressed it on my bare chest. She traced each aspect of me and gripped my arm, and pulled me closer to her. I kissed her roughly, not able to get enough of her. She began to slow her movements, and parted from me, leaning her head against the wall. Her chest rose and fell. I took the chance to kiss her bare neck. With each kiss, my lips went lower and lower, until I reached the place where the silk robe crossed over her skin. I lifted my head, and looked at her for approval. She merely nodded her head. I grabbed the end of the bow that kept the robe closed, and pulled. The robe parted, revealing her moon-white skin. I took a step back, and Emerin took a step forward. Her hands were hanging at her sides. She shrugged off the robe, and I watched as it fell to her feet. She looked at me, and whispered seductively, "Your turn." She backed away, towards a chair, and sat down like a queen on her throne. She crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. I tore off my pants, and looked at her. She opened her eyes, and stood up. She took ginger steps towards me. In one movement, she put a hand on my chest and pushed us onto the bed. She swept her hair away from her face and smiled, looking at me from under her lashes. I grabbed her arms, and turned us around, so that I was above her. She let out a lovely, soft laugh. I began to kiss her all over. I didn't notice her hand go to my ear before she gently stroked the pointed tip of it. The touch sent chills through me. I looked up to see her smirking at me, knowing what she had done. I  pressed my lips to hers to get rid of her smirk. As we kissed, I whispered into her ear, "I love you," and in response, she whispered back,

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