Chapter 28

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Emerin POV~

After a weeks journey of nonstop riding, we finally reached the outskirts of Mirkwood. Legolas and I dismounted our horses and began to set up camp in front of the woods. Legolas went to build a fire, while I looked through whatever food we had,

"The fire's done." Legolas called out to me. I walked over to him and split the last of our lembas in two. I gave him one half as I ate the other. We sat in silence as we ate. As I sat on a log, I looked around at the outskirts of my home. Although Mirkwood had become darker and more... heavy, in a way, it was still my home, and it's presence comforted me,

"Are you nervous?" Legolas asked,

"A little. I have not seen King Thranduil for a year. It has been a long time." I looked back at Legolas,

"I was thinking, you once told me that there was a place in Mirkwood which you had always enjoyed spending time at. Could we, perhaps, pass by it on our way to the palace?" Legolas rubbed the back of his neck, as if he was nervous,

"Of course. Tomorrow I'll show you the way. It is close by." I said, trying to remember how many years it had been since I had gone to my personal sanctuary. Legolas sat down beside me, and wrapped one of his arms around my back, and leaned his head against mine,

"I love you." He said as he gazed at the fire,

"I love you too." I nestled into the crook of his neck before falling asleep.


That morning, Legolas and I mounted our horses, and rode through the dark woods. I took in my surroundings, and noted the places where I had once spend time at. I drank in the feeling of returning home as I rode throughout the tree's. As we neared my sanctuary, I took the lead, and Legolas followed me. After nearly two hours of riding, I ducked under a small cave that led to the place which I had spent so many hours in as a child. As I exited the cave, I looked around me. It was a small clearing in the woods, with three ponds that slightly connected with one and other. The water was as clear as glass, and the grass was a bright green that contrasted with the hundreds of colorful flowers that dotted the ground. In the middle of the clearing was an old naergon tathar (Weeping Willow) with delicate, pink flowers that bloomed on its sagging branches. This tree had stood here since long before I had been born, and it continued to grow larger every day. It was three times the size that it was since the last time that I had been here. It's fallen flowers drifted in the clear waters of the ponds, and on the green grass. I could hear the sparrows singing their songs, and the ruffle of their feathers as the took flight in our presence. I walked towards the tree, and reached my arm up to touch it's flowers. My trance broke when I heard Legolas' footsteps from behind me. I continued to look at the flowers as I spoke,

"Isn't it lovely. My parents used to bring me here when I was a child. When they died, I would continue to come here often, and would think of them as I sat under this tree. I had forgotten it's beauty. It seems to have grown while I was absent." I spoke of the place wearing one of my widest smiles. I felt a great weight lifted off of my shoulders while I stood here,

"It is one of the most enchanting things I have ever seen. It's calm tranquility seems to lull me into a state of joy and happiness." Legolas' voice was soft and light, "It's as if it was made for me to tell you this..." My calm mind suddenly turned curious. 

I whirled around to question him, but was awestricken at what I saw. Legolas stood in front of me with a gleam in his eye, and in his hand, a small, elegant ring with a single white gem shined in the midday sun. I went still with shock, my mouth slightly open as my eyes focused on the ring. Or, more specifically, the gem it bore,

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