Chapter 7

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I ran towards the orc. I unsheathed my sword. I lunged forward, nearly stabbing the orc in his gut. I leaped into the air, swinging my arms around his neck, swinging myself behind him, keeping him in a chokehold as I went to stab my sword through his heart. He grabbed my sword by the blade and threw it off of the bridge. And the next thing I knew, he grabbed my arm, throwing me onto the ground if from of him. I deftly moved out of the way right before his sword smashed into the ground where I had just been lying moments ago. I kept dodging his blows, twisting and turning around him, weaving between the small spaces between his arms or legs. I pulled out my daggers, and stabbed him in his upper thigh, then in his shoulder. I was trying to reach the weak points so that he would not be able to wield a weapon properly. Finally, I was able to plunge my dagger into the back of his knee, making it difficult for him to walk.

 As I was turning around to face him again, he grabbed the back of my shirt collar, lifted me in the air, and smashed me into the bricks. I could hear Legolas crying out my name. I could not let him get hurt. The orc wrapped his hand around my throat, lifting me up. I could barely breathe. He slowly tightened his grip around my neck, then smashed my head into the ground. I could feel the blood from the cuts on my head. I could barely stand up anymore. My eyes scanned around the area, looking for possible ways to kill the orc. My thoughts stopped at one plan in particular, that had the highest chance of success.

I pulled myself off of the ground. I stood directly in front of the orc. He towered above me, relishing the pain I was in. I probably seemed so small and pathetic to him. I seemed small and pathetic to most people. Well looks can be deceiving. I was breathing hard. My hair was whipping around my face. I could feel the hatred that was shining through my eyes. I looked towards Legolas, and gave him a sad smile. I turned my attention back at the orc, who was giving me a vile grin. I smiled back. It only took a few moments. I was so quick that the orc didn't realize what had happened until my blade pierced his skin. I had thrown myself at him, using the strength from pushing off of the ground to drive my dagger deep into his heart, pushing the both of us off of the bridge. As we both fell, I never dropped my smile, staring into his eyes. We were hurtling towards the ground. I could barely hear Legolas' screams...

Legolas POV~

I watched as the orc smashed her head into the stone, "Emerin!" I cried out. I saw her limp body on the ground. The orc stood over her. She tried to lift herself up. Her eyes darted around, trying to see how she could kill the orc. All of a sudden, she seemed to stop, and looked straight at the orc. She yanked herself off of the ground, as if defying the will of fate itself. I loved how she seemed to always do that. Her chest was rising and falling, as she breathed heavily, panting. Her hair whipped around her hair in the sharp winds. Her eyes seemed to be a window to hell. Her entire expression seemed to reflect Morgoth himself. I myself, found it terrifying to look upon her hellish demeanor. She looked at me. For a split second, the hellish girl was gone, and her gaze softened as she gave me a sad smile. Wait- why was she looking at me like that? I felt horrified. Whatever plan she had, she did not intend on surviving. She turned back to the orc, her stare seemed like it could've killed any other being if they looked upon it. I watched as her lips curled into a devilish grin. She seemed as if she felt invincible. It seemed as if it took only a few moments, but as I watched, it felt as if it lasted for a thousand years. She threw herself at the orc, plunging her dagger into his heart, throwing the both of the off of the "bridge" all while never dropping her heart stopping, devilish smile,

"NO!" I screamed, my voice breaking. I turned back to the leather strap attaching me, and realized there was a hidden knot on it that I had not seen before. I quickly pulled at it, and I was suddenly free. The bridge was collapsing. Even if Emerin was still alive it would crush her! 

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