Just dont die//Overprotective Loki x Sick Reader

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Hey guys sorry for the wait. I got super sick and couldn't really do much.
This story was a request by @_Loki_Mischief_God_
This morning for you had been a little off. For one Loki was not home because he had a mission helping the Avengers. It was also off because you had woken up with a fever and horribly sick.

You groaned and pulled the blanket up higher to your neck just praying Loki would be home soon.

Reaching over to your nightstand you grabbed off the thermometer and checked your temp again. You put the thermometer under your tongue and waited for the little beep.

Once you heard it you took it out and looked down to see your temperature.

You huffed as you saw the number. 102, your fever still had not went down.

Sighing you tossed the thermometer back on the nightstand and tried to lay back down to maybe sleep it off more.

That is...until you had the horrible urge throw up everything in your stomach.

You got up and ran as fast as you could to your and Loki's shared bathroom. Then proceeded to throw up. You almost didn't make it but luckily you did.

The door opened slightly again and then you felt cold hands rub your back and pull your hair out of your face.

"Oh love I'm so sorry, are you okay? I called for you when I got home but you didn't answer. Then again I didn't know you were in the bathroom dying."

"I'm not dying" you huffed and wiped your mouth.

"You basically are, here let me carry you to the bed love." Loki's soothing voice said.

"I can walk, I missed you so much." You mumbled and hugged Loki close to you.

"I missed you too...now please let me take you to bed. I don't want you to pass out, maybe I should carry you right now." He said and picked you up and carried you to your bed.

"Loki really I'm okay. Just a little sick is all."
Loki scoffed and tucked you into bed and pushed your hair out of your face.

"Open" he said while now holding the thermometer.

You opened your mouth and he put the thermometer under your tongue, waiting for the beep.

Once Loki heard the device beep he pulled it out and looked at your temp.

Loki's eyes went wide.

"102!?!" He exclaimed

He looked around seemingly not finding what he needed so he got up and practically ran out the room.

He came back not even a minute later carrying what looked like your bag or frozen vegetables, some medicine, a wet rag, and a water bottle.

Loki sat at the side of the shared bed, and put the vegetables on your chest making you shiver at the coldness, he then put the wet and now that you could feel it, wet cold rag on your head.

"Loki it's dripping into my eye"

"Shush now dear, just lay still and relax"

You laughed quietly.

"Loki I'll be just fine, don't worry so much."

He grumbled "you saw that now, okay here."

Loki handed you two little pills and the water bottle.

He also hurried and helped you sit up a bit more and put another pillow behind your back.

"Thank you" you smiled at Loki

"Just don't die..."

"I won't die I'll be just fine. I'll set up a doctors appointment tomorrow okay?"


Loki held your hand and rubbed it softly.

"Are you okay sitting up? Do you need another pillow? Maybe another blanket? I'll go get one"

He hopped up and was out the door again before you cold even argue with him.

You laughed and shook your head. Already feeling better just by having Loki take care of you.

Okay that all for now.

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