Loki x Ftm trans reader | beautiful body

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Ok so Ftm transgender is when you are born a girl but feel like you are trapped in someone else's body and  are a boy, this chapter will be about the many thing that go with being transgender...like body dysphoria  and let me just say from someone who struggles with this...it sucks..so In this chapter Loki will be helping you
591 words

This means: thought
This means: meee

(Y/n):your name
(L/n):last name


You had woke up this morning feeling awful so you got up with a bit of struggle since your lover Loki's arm trapped you under him.

After prying Loki's arm off your hip you walked over to your shared bathroom and used the toilet.

You looked down and what you saw was something you have and always have dreaded.

Your period....

The air you were breathing got stuck in your throat as your eyes started to water.

"How...how could this happen..the doctor said these things would stop...oh dear Lord why is this happening now?!??" You thought.

You blinked away your tears and grabbed some toilet paper and put it inside of your boxers for now till you could get a pad or something.

You standed up and walked over to the mirror.

You had just started testosterone so you could start your transition into a male your jawline had started to come out more along with your Adams apple.
(sorry..!I don't think that's how it's spelled XD)

Sighing you turned around walking back into your room with Loki who was sleeping soundly this made you smile.

You loved him he always had made you feel better with times like right now. So you walked over and hopped back into bed and rubbed Loki's back and kissed his jaw trying to wake him up.

"Loki....Loki Love get up...." You whispered into his ear making him groan .

"Why?....You don't not have work neither do i" then he grabbed the covers and pulled them over his head.

You sighed not really wanted to have to tell him.

".....Loki...i..i" You took a deep breath.

From all your distress Loki sat up and looked at you concerned.

"What is it darling?"

You then decided to just come out and say it.

"I got my period....."

You saw his eyes get a little wide.

He let out a puff of wind out his mouth.

"...di-...did you run out of?...." Even he didn't want to talk about it witch was understandable.

"Yes....I never got any...because I didn't think I would need them..."

He just nodded and picked his lips.

"...so you want me to get you some" he asked since he knew you hated going out at a time like this.

This wasn't the first time this has happened.

"Could you?" You asked

He smiled at you and rubbed your thigh "yes...of course love"

"Thank you..." You whispered to him then gave him a kiss which he almost instantly responded to.

This kiss had lasted a little longer then I was supposed but the you both pulled away gasping for air.

He smiled at you again and kissed your jaw then got up and got dressed.

"I love you" you told him before he left.

"I love you aswell" then he left.

Gosh did he make you feel so lucky to have a man like him he made you feel....perfect


That's all!! Sorry guys that it took longer then my normal chapters and also sorry that it's a little short so...


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