Loki x child reader | my little princess | part 2

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Heyyy guys here is part to of my little princess i hope you like it :)

(Y/n):your Name
(F/a):favorite animal
(H/c):hair color

After your mother said that she sent you to your room. Your room wasn't anything special at all just full grey wallpaper and a very stained carpet but it was your room.

You walked over to your dresser and opened your sock drawer and pulled out a small locket that had your fathers helmet on it. Mother said he gave it to her to give to you when you got older so you would have something from him.

When you and your mother were really low on money you would tell her to sell the small locket because it was made out of pure gold but she wouldn't no matter what you said.

The talking outside of your room got quieter then you heard your mother call for you so you put the locker on your bed and walked out of your room.

Thor and mother were smiling "(y/n)....meet your uncle Thor" she said happily.

You looked at him slightly confused "he's your fathers brother" she said to clear it up a little. Then you shrugged and said "so plus I'm not that stupid dad was adopted so that's not really my uncle..." Your mother's eyes widened " (y/n)! You shouldn't day things like that!! Its rude" she raised her voice.

You glared at them both "did you forget that he was one of the men who took him from us?" Raising your voice as well. "(Y/N) DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH !E YOUNG LADY!!" Your mother yelled causing you to snap.


Then by felt a sharp pain in your cheek and your face whipped to the side.

Then you felt a year roll down your face and you blinds the rest away and you turned away and walked back into your room and slammed your door ignoring all your mother's pleads and sorrys.

You felt you get cold again as your body started to shake then you let out a scream and a burst of energy and then soon your whole room was frozen over with a thick amount of ice and snow freezing over the door making it to wear no one  could get in.

                                                       * "•" *

You had been inside on your frozen room for days not even eating and each day your room got colder and more frozen over.

Thor had brought over the other advengers to try to get you out Tony even tryed his suit but it still wasn't hot enough to get through your ice in fact it just evaporate. So that left them with one choice.

You were now sitting on your bed that was as stiff as a board-er ice technical.

You had the locket in you hand it had many tiny ice icicles on it then you heard your mothers happy voice talking/screaming you couldn't exactly hear what she was saying but you could tell she was happy.

After a few minutes you heard a soft knock on your frozen over door.

You didn't answer then you saw green mist flow around your room the mist changed into a (f/a) and flowed across your room as it did all the frost would disappear and you sat there in a amazement.

Soon your whole room was unfrosted and then you heard the door creek opened and you saw someone how looked so familiar but you couldn't exactly remember who. He walked in slowly and then sat on the corner of your bed.

"Hello darling...." His silky smooth voice say.

You looked down ashamed that you looked like a monster in front of this man. "Do you remember me?" He asked calmly you shrugged .

"I...i.had to leave you and your mother....for my wrong doings...and..." He sighed " you've gotten so big since I've seen you" he's eyes started to fill up with tears.

Then realization smacked you in the face this was your dad and your eyes widened once you figured it out and you jumped up and hugged him.

"I missed you....mom missed you to" you said into his chest as he hugged you back running his fingers through your (h/c).

"I missed you too...my little princess"

Ok....so this story didn t really go how I wanted but I mean...idk I didn't really do good with this one but then again they say every writer makes mistakes....and I have no idea who they are i just heard this somewhere...XD well that's all

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