The Engineer // Loki x reader

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A/n: I'm very sorry I haven't been updating I've been super busy and have been going through some major issues about finding myself but anyways this one shot was requested by @kalemuffin a very long time ago.....once again I'm so sorry

Warnings ⚠️: mild cursing and crude humour

You frowned as Tony walked into your own mini personal lab he had made just for you, because he said you were "annoying him" when you guys worked in the same lab. Which kinda pissed you off but you were happy for the space anyways.

"Hey ugly"

"Hey slut" you responded not looking up from your latest project.

"Soooo... I need to ask you a itsy bitsy tiny favour..." he asked

You sighed and rolled your eyes "no"

"Oh come ooonnn please (y/n) I'll repay you, you know I will!" He then proceeded to give you the "puppy eyes"

You but the inside of your cheek trying not to give into your older friend.

"Fineeee what" you sighed.

"I need you to babysit for me and the other avengers while we have a bit of a getaway relaxation day..ya know?"

"Yea, yea, but who the heck will I be baby so siting? It's not like you have a kid" you said then reached over to grab another tool that you needed to use on your project.

"Well...yes but he's not exactly a kid...well he sure does at like one a lot but he isn't technically a kid" he said not looking at you.

You furrowed your brows and looked at him.

"What do you mean? Who am I babysitting then?"

Tony had mumbled softy someone's name but you couldn't understand what name so you asked him again, only for him so say the name just very slightly louder but just enough to know who's name he had said.


"Come ooonn...please (y/n) it will only be for about an hour or two..we really need the break.." he begged you.

You grumbled and then nodded your head pouting slightly then said "fine but only this once"

"Of course!" He said now happy.

"BUT!! If he gets on my nerves to much I will rip his head completely off his neck..."

Tony nodding quickly then rushed out of your lab.

Well you thought..this is definitely gonna be very interesting.

(Time skip to avengers leaving for break day)

Loki was sitting on the couch reading and you were playing games on your phone, waiting for the avengers to finish getting ready.

Soon everyone was in the living room and glaring at Loki, well except Thor he was just smiling, excited about his mini vacation.

"Loki....if you do ANYTHING to hurt (y/n) I will murder you in the most gruesome way possible" Tony said as the whole team nodded, well...except Thor he just looked a little nervous.

Steve sighed then walked over to you and hugged you and whispered "if he tried anything text me please" you just laughed and nodded.

Soon all the team were ready and in the elevator waving goodbye.

You looked over to Loki who hasn't moved a muscle.

You sighed and decided you were already bored.

" wanna go get some ice cream with me?" You asked

Loki looked at you with a dumbfounded face.

"I can not leave this area, I am on what you humans call house arrest"

"Oh...yea I forgot about that..."

"You are an imbecile"

You made face then rolled your eyes, "coming from the man who tried to take over the world because daddy wouldn't let him play king"

Loki scoffed then went back to his book.

You sighed again, then did it again but louder, then finally you did it one more one suuuuperrr loud.

"WHAT!?" Loki yelled at you.

"Nothing, I just like annoying people, so you wanna order some food online with me? I'll show you how" you said then sat next to Loki on the couch.

You pulled out your phone and basically lates your head on Loki's shoulder as you opened the app.

Loki's face was burning red from the small gesture.

"So! This is the app! You basically just tap the things you want, and in a little bit someone will be at your door to give the food to you!"

Loki nodded and watched you pick things.

Loki gasped and took the phone out of your hand and started tapping it vigorously.

"Hey! If you wanted something you could have just asked! What did you get anyways?" You said as you took the phone back out of his hands.

You saw that Loki bought 66 packs of double stuffed Oreos.

You looked at Loki then looked back at your phone, then looked at Loki again.

"I think I'm in love with you"

Loki's face burned red "oh.."

You laughed and smiled really big.

^**Few hours later**^

After the food came you and Loki eat basically all the Oreos, and now you were asleep on Loki's chest as he was laying down on the couch.

Loki was running his fingers through your hair as you snored softly.

Loki took a deep breath then said "I think I love you too..." then he saw you smile in your sleep and snuggle up closer to him.

Loki then smiled extremely big, bigger then he had ever before, and now he hoped the avengers would never come back from there vacation.


Hey guys...sorry I never really posted, I've been going through a lot right now, specially because I've been trying to start on my transition to be a male...I got my first ever chest binder! I never want to take it off. But I've also been working on myself mentally..idk if I'll ever have a exact posting schedule for my books, but I hope I will soon.


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