Loki x Nerd reader | how about that date?

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Heyyy guys this chapter was requested by KaylaMichelle982 I hope you like it XD

This: means thoughts

(Y/n): your name
(E/c): eye color
(H/c): hair color
(F/b): favorite book

1302 Words

You sighed looking down at your book reading a fairy tale about a prince and a normal village girl fall in love when it wasn't allowed.

You wished that you could have a life like this, we're things weren't so hard and people weren't mean you wished your life could be a fairy tale with a magic kingdom and wizards.

You turned the page and pushed up your glasses that had fell down slightly then you heard a loud voice tell "AUUHGG what type of literature IS THIS!!!???!" .

Jumping slightly from the booming voice you looked up from the book you were reading searching the library looking for the loud person. Your (e/c) found a raven hair male glaring at a book.

Standing up you slowly walked up to the man as you did his eyes followed you making really nervous. "Umm...I'm Sorry sir..but yo..you shouldn't tell in librarys.." You voice shaked vigorously so you kept you eyes on your feet.

You did that a lot it just seemed way easier than looking in their eyes because then you would notice of they seemed made at you or annoyed.

"Why? Not midgarding?!?" He said raising an eyebrow.

" Because....it's rude... " you answered still looking down. You felt your glasses start to fall down again but before you could push them up you felt the raven haired male grab your chin making you look at him then you pushed your glasses up for you and continued to stare at you.

"Hmm...are you from midgard? Because now that I'm seeing you correctly....you look more like a goddess...but I do not no of any midgarding goddess"

"Wow" you thought "this guy must be nuts"

This seemed to Caused him to squint his eyes "how dear you speak to a prince like that especially after he had complemented you" he said.

You pulled away from him your face beat red you fixed you glasses again and fixed your long grey sweatshirt that went down to the knees of your black sweatpants.

Sighing you moved a (H/c) curl away from your face and with as much courage you had you said "I'm (y/n) and I do believe you need to go to a hospital and get an X-Ray on your brain for i fear your crazy.

Then you turned around and went back to you seat and as soon as you did frantic thought came into your head "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT" "what if he comes over here?!?!" " OMG what if he's actually a murder!!!! " "calm down (y/n) your just over exaggerating" .

You moved you book away from you face to look for the male once again only to see him sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

Causing you to fly from you seat screaming bloody murder only for him to smirk and for people shushing and glaring at you.I

You felt your face heat up as you slowly grabbed your book and crawled to your seat and sat down.

"What are you doing over here!?!" you whispered yelled .

"I...I do not know...your just really interesting" you then sighed.
"well are you at least going to tell me your name? ".

His eyes widened and he said "oh, yes of course how rude of me, I am Loki of asgard" then he smiled.

Your looked at him confused and decided to just go with it "hello Loki of asgard" then you pushed up your glasses and went back to reading.

"What are you reading mortal?"

Rolling your eyes you said "(F/b) it's my favorite book in the library " "really?" He said then he got up and say in the chair right of you and leaned over your shoulder and stared to read your book.

So you just let him, the both of you read your book for a while when he decided to lay his head on your shoulder.

"What is he doing!!!!?! I don't even know him!!!?!?!" You thought.

But once again you just let him do it. "Lady (y/n)?"

You sighed "yes Loki?" " I decided I like the library now but I believe I will only be able too enjoy it if your here with me. "

After he said that you have got a little red "oh..uh...thanks...Loki" " your welcome lady (y/n) " you looked up at the clock and your eyes widened it was getting pretty late. "I'm sorry Loki but I must be getting home".

" Oh...of course lady (y/n), be safe" he said standing up with you. You looked at him and you saw how his green eyes flashed with sadness.

"Umm....Loki? Would you be comming over to the library tomorrow?" You asked.

He looked up in happiness "of course love! That is if you shall be joining me?" He asked with hope. You smiled " of course I shall come tomorrow, well....it's date" you said and turn around waving goodbye to Loki.

As Loki standed there still love stuck was he fooling himself? Did you really say it was a date? Did you mean a date as in time? Or as in you actually wanted to go on a date with him? Loki had thought this as he teleported to the tower and then he realized he would just have to wait tomorrow.


You woke up from you alarm beeping loudly you turned over and smacked the alarm till it stoped with its vexing noise and rolled back over.

Till you remembered you were going to meet Loki again then you Instantly jumped up and ran to the shower. Then you trees you didn't get yourself any clothes so you went back to your room and grabbed a long sleeve navy blue shirts and some black leggings and of course undergarments....and socks.

Then you ran back to the shower. You were in the shower when you heard someone knocking on your door "who the neck is that?" You thought and you got out of the shower and put on a towel.

You heard the knocking get louder and more frequently. "I'M COMMING!!" You yelled. When opened the door you saw someone you didn't expect to see yet.

" Loki!!?!! Oh my gosh what are you doing here!?? " you asked.

"I'm very sorry lady (y/n) but I had to know did you mean date as in a date, date or not?" He said slightly distressed you smiled and pulled up your towel now extremely embarrassed. "I ment it as a date, date" you said giving a crooked smile.

He sighed in relief then you suddenly realize something how did Loki now we're you lived!?

"Loki?..." You asked cautiously "How did you know were I lived?"

His face redded "well....um...I kinda live with very high tech people....so...I asked..pleasedontbemadatme!!!" I

You blinked a couple times then shrugged.

Then you felt Loki's lips suddenly smash against yours and almost instantly you kissed back you felt his arms rap them selves around your waist as you ran your fingers through Loki's long raven hair.

Then after a while you both pulled away and Loki's face was bright red "la..Lady (y/n) I'm so-" but he didn't finish because you then kissed him again and he then instantly melted into it.

As you pulled away Loki asked "so..how about that date?"

AND THAT IS THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER it took me for ever and KaylaMichelle982 i REALLY hope you like it and don't forget that requests are always open and bye~bye

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