Underwear || Loki x reader

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Heyyyy guys sorry for not posting I've been busy and now I'm currently really sick so..have this dumb crap.

(Y/n):your name
(L/n:last name
(F/c): favorite color
(H/c):hair color
(H/l):hair length

Words: 386

You and Loki had hit it off since the first time you had been introduced by Thor and at the moment you two had actually been dating for a few mounts and you were living with him and the other avengers in Stark tower (aka avengers tower).

You and Loki were both just chilling in his room together not really doing anything. When Loki suddenly said he had to use the restroom so it was the perfect time to be a snoop and look around.

Hopping off the bed you then started to look around. Obviously everything in there was stuff you had already seen so you knew Loki wasn't giving you any gifts or something.

That was until you spotted something under his bed. Something you had been looking for, for a while now.

You reached under his bed and pulled out your favorite pair of underwear.
They were green lace and very comfortable.

That's when you heard the click of Loki's door signaling that he was back.

You looked up at Loki who seemed to notice what was in your hand and his face flushed pink.

"Loki....why are my undies under your bed?"

He coughed "umm....I don't know dear...umm ya..." he tried to lie but even he knew there was nothing he could say to cover up what was happening.

"Did you steal my underwear?" You asked making a weird face at him.


".....Loki" you asked again.

"Fine I did but only because stark dared me too then I forgot to return them so I just threw them under my bed..." he responded.

"....why would you listen to tony? Why would you ever listen to him?"

"I don't know....." he said and looked down at his toes.

You sighed and then rubbed your face then stood up with you underwear still in your hand.

"...if it help at all I'd love to see you in those...but then have them back on my floor after..." he said cheeky.



Sorry that this is short...umm yea?


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