Loki x wife reader | Hypnotized

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Heyyy guys this story was requested by EvaSapagova I really hope you like it!!!

605 words

(Y/n): your name
(L/n):last name
(F/c): favorite color

You and Loki had been making plans together to take over midgard for a little while but when you did no one believed that you would actually do it with him.

Loki was sitting at his desk looking over his plans while you were watching him. You smiled at him "I love you" you told him.

These few words seemed to instantly gain his attention and he looked at you he's face shinning brightly.

"I love you as well darling"

You got up and walked over to his chair and sat right on his lap making him chuckle . Then you started to kiss him all over his face.

He sighed in content, happy with the affection you were giving him.

You pulled away and looked at him and stared at his blue eyes. His eyes used to be green but ever since he fall of the rainbow bridge they were blue.

You both had been married for over a year now many still believed that he was mind controlling you because of your own eyes.

Your eyes were a bright shinny blue with darker blue specs in them Loki always told you that your eyes reminds his of the galaxy blue of course more blue.

"When will we be leaving?"

He thought for a second "Well I have to go and get some information on the hiding spot of the tesseract but then we shall be ready".

You nodded.


That had been a few days ago Loki had got captured by the Avengers as they had call themselves.I

You had found there base and you had a few mins controlled people with you and of course some of the Chitauri.


There was war every were you went. You and two of the Chitauri were walking down the hall of the Avengers base looking for the room Loki was being held.

I'm your way you came to a stop when you saw a man in a red, white and blue outfit along with a shield.

You used the magic Loki taught you and shot him with a (F/c) ray knocking him backwards.I

You smiled and ran to the room he was trying to block. "Watch him if you get up kill him" you told the Chitauri.

Then you walked inside of the room to see him inside of a glass cage and you saw someone you hadnt seen in a very long time.

"Lady (y/n)?" Thor asked

You standed there proudly smiling. "Hello Thor, it sure had been a while hasn't it?"

His face showed confusion.

"Why are you here you are supposed to be in asgard?"

"I came to get my husband" you trapped then shot Thor back with your (f/c) ray and he flew back an smashed into the wall behind him.

You knew he was going to get up soon so you ran over to the cage Loki was in.

He smiled brightly "Hello love"

"Hello handsome i heard your needed a little help" you told him raising an eyebrow. He rolled he eyes "I could have gotten out you just did not give me enough time darling."

" we can discuss this later now how do I get you out? "

He was about to answer then his eyes widened before your vision went black you heard him scream your name.


.....part one!!!! HAhahahah cliffhanger!!!

bye~bye for now!!!

And don t forget to check out my new book Tom Hiddleston x reader!!!

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