Loki x reader | Beautiful Hair

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Heyy guys I hope you like this chapter!!!

468 words

(Kinda short)
(Y/n):Your name
(L/n):last name
(H/c):hair color

You stared at yourself in the mirror you had recently cut your hair a short to your shoulders and it was pretty hard to do anything but brush your hair but today you were in a doing some hair mood.

Then that's when you remembered that you had a boyfriend...with long hair.

You instantly ran into your living room witch is were you saw him last.

He was still there sitting on the couch reading a new book you had got for him.

You walked behind the couch and rapped your arms around him and kisses his neck softly and rubbed your nose up against his neck.

"Ok...what do you want?" He asked

" Waaaaa....can't a girl just love on her boyfriend? "

"Your way on 'loving on me' is annoying me so what is it" he asked once again

"Ok...fine......canidoyourhair?!??" You said quickly.

He looked at you dumbfounded "what?"

You sighed "can I do your hair?" Then you mustered up your best puppy dog eyes and popped out your bottom lip.

He sucked up air threw his mouth then thought.

After a while he sighed "fine..."

" YESS!!? " you jumped up and sat were you we're sitting right behind him.

"But" he said


" yes there is a but.... " he stop because he slowly realized how stupid he sounded but then he smiled at you.

"You have to cuddle with me after, and we get to as long as I want"

Loki wouldn't admit to if someone else asked him but he was a sucker for cuddles he just loved to be rapped up in your arms he loved it so much he didn't even mind if he was the little spoon.I

"Ok" you smiled then you you turned his face away and yanked on his hair witch earned a growl from him meaning it hurt.

You pulled all the hair out of his face and started to pull it into a bun.

You must have not done it the softest because Loki kept growling and hissing.

"...aaaannnd...done!" You exclaimed then you kissed him on the check.

He sighed then smiled at you.

Then he grabbed a hold you you then pushed you down onto the couch and later down with you.

His legs were rapped around your waist and your arms were around his neck and his were laying lazily around your back.

You and Loki had ended up falling asleep like that.

That had always been one of your best and favorite memories with Loki.


Heyy guys thank you for reading and yes I'm sorry that this one is kinda short but I hope you enjoyed


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